Recent content by flyingron

  1. flyingron

    Forced Resignations

    "Hostile work environment" doesn't mean what you think it does. Just because the boss is a butthead and made things difficult to you, doesn't mean anything. In order for it to be actionable, it has to involve some sort of illegal discrimination. For instance, telling racist jokes can create...
  2. flyingron

    Darwin Award Candidate

    He should move those pitchforks and rakes over a little closer while he's working.
  3. flyingron

    Student Loans Loan forgiveness programs qualification

    The loans only scream up to heights like this when you avoid even paying the interest on the loan during the forbearance periods.
  4. flyingron

    Does the First Amendment apply to social media moderation? The Supreme Court soon decides.

    Listening to the arguments at the SCOTUS, it doesn't look good for Texas on this one based on the reactions and questions by the justices. It's hard to argue that the government can abridge speech and argue that it is protecting speech at the same time.
  5. flyingron

    Starting a Business Can I set up my own gambling business?

    TC is right as usual. Nevada is coming down hard particularly on "daily" Fantasy Sports. Essentially, it is illegal in the state (even for the big guys like Fan Duel and Draft Kings. More traditional (season long) fantasy sports are still dicey. Some companies have pulled out of Nevada...
  6. flyingron

    Arizona 1095-C error

    Are you taking credit for obtaining health insurance for through the ACA market place? If not, this form is largely spurious. What it gives you are the numbers you need to compute eligibility for the credit. Even with the wrong start date, you can still do the computation, just ignore the...
  7. flyingron

    Here is my demand letter to Amazon, but also I want to sue for their policy.

    Amazon indeed fronts for counterfeiters. I received counterfeit merchandise. Amazon took it back for a refund but supressed my bad review for the merchant involved that the items weren't what they claimed to be. The bad news is Amazon is a wretched hive of scum and villainry. The good...
  8. flyingron

    Avvo attorney thought I was suggesting doctor committed medical misconduct but was worried about billing

    Once you are in the risk category the cologuard (poop on the paper) test is really not indicated for you. You'll have to go in for the scoping with its incumbent prep work. Actually, I find it harder not eating (my wife takes me out for a meal right after they spring me). At least now...
  9. flyingron

    Is eBay eller committing price gouging?

    I have been buying and selling on ebay since 1997. There's nothing wrong here. It used to be that eBay charged their seller fee based on the sales price before shipping was added. Since that led to abuse, they now charge it on the entire price to the buyer (sales price + shipping). When...
  10. flyingron

    Estate Deeds and Capital Gains Taxes

    By estate deed, I'm presuming you mean she granted you the house while retaining a life estate. As @Foamback points out a life estate isn't necessarily a good strategy. It would be the same as if she just outright gave it to you as far as medicaid is concerned which means she may find herself...
  11. flyingron

    real estate taxes not paid at closing now I owe a lot morning

    Reproration needs to be in the actual purchase contract, but I can almost guarantee if you used the standard form, it was. If it's not there, nothing that happens after closing changes anything. If there is a statement on reproration when the tax bill comes in November, then you owe. Up...
  12. flyingron

    stay at home mum

    If neither of you lives in Maine, you can't file for divorce there. If he maintains Florida as his residence, you can file there (presuming he's been there six months). You should contact an attorney in Florida, but with neither of you being physically in the state, this is not going to be easy.
  13. flyingron

    Cannot leave a month-to-month lease?

    That's not true. The obligation is the original contract (the lease) that is still in force under the CCP on the periodic (month-to-month) basis.
  14. flyingron

    Cannot leave a month-to-month lease?

    It does matter. The other terms of the lease persist even when it goes month-to-month.
  15. flyingron

    F(16) Trying to get emancipated... Please help!!!

    Despite what you think you know about the term "emancipation," the statute is not an avenue to free minors from parental "enslavement." It is recognition that an already independent minor needs relief from certain laws (like entering into contracts) that are denied to her.