The house next door is owned by a man who is 96 years old. OK mentally and physically. Paid for / has owned a long time. He lives elsewhere and his daughter lives in the house. Not much cash around for either of them. She would like to move to another state. They would sell the house but...
60 year old father. 2 years ago near death - long hospitalization.
Applied for SSDI and denied due to this not being on a list of acceptable issues.
Cognitive and physical impairment. He is not capable of living on his own. Certainly not able to work. Doctor will attest to this.
Any advice...
See attached. Only page 1 of 18 because each page has our info and I didn’t see anything that I’d contest.
They said we could submit other comps but they needed to be local. There are none of these for sale within 500 miles. We submitted a few distant but it looks like they are sticking with...
Thanks f
Thanks for info. Will post ACV report when received.
Travelers is our insurance.
‘My’ car.
Multi car. We (daughter, 17) were deemed at fault - another story we are trying to move on from.
‘They’ is dealer where car is sitting.
‘We’ is me. Father. Bill payer.
Accident seemed rather minor but dealer saying $16,000 to fix. Body and Wheel alignment damaged.
Saying they will total car and give $13,000.
Travelers Insurance.
Mechanic friend says not that much damage and can fix for much less - if we buy the car from insurance.
Two questions;
1. Car had...
I have a business that leases a commercial/industrial space in a 'strip' type center. I am in the middle of the strip. There is an alley in the back for deliveries and I have a roll up door. I get 2-3 large truck deliveries per week.
Recently tenants at one end who work on motor homes (and a...
Stepfather-in-law recently passed away.
Assume everything will go to mother-in-law - my wife’s bio mother. Married to him 45 years. Know there is a will and trust but not what they say.
Stepfather-in-law has 2 bio kids by previous wife.
Will there be any documents that his bio children will...
Thank you.
The seller owned the property when the garage was built. She owned it with her husband who died some time ago. I think he built it. Could this be complicated by her claiming he told her it was permitted? I see the term 'knowingly'.