
  1. E

    Court Won't Respond

    My father is incarcerated, and has made a request to the court, but they haven't responded. He's since learned that they have to respond within 56 days. That time period has passed, yet he still hasn't heard from them. What can he do?
  2. Nicolepimentel

    The misspelled of my name on all court documentsthe emergency application for assistance

    I have a Summary Judgement by Default and could not have the default removed so now I will be. I'm filing a Motion to Stay but I'm really scared. I will have nowhere to go. I have housing but after PUA ended everything went downhill quickly because Housing took so long to readjust my rent share...
  3. M

    defendant not there yet date was changed - wtf?

    California- Is it illegal for a DA and a judge to change a defendant criminal court date without the defendant or defendant’s lawyer present? If not illegal, then at least immoral? Backstory with detail: A defendant was given a court date. The DDA expressed she was unhappy with the date and...
  4. E

    Can a circuit court judge force an inmate to take drugs via needle?

    My son has drug induced schizophrenia. He was injured in a fight in a parking ramp and had been taken to the hospital. He was released the following day and was confused. He attempted to enter the home of a stranger, believing it was his friend's house. The man called the police even though...
  5. R

    Opposing lawyer modified QDRO and submitted it to court

    I went thru a pretty nasty divorce. Opposing counsel coached my now ex-wife to file a bogus restraining order, as well as multiple lies to the court. We're down to the final two QDROs, where my ex-wife is taking half of my retirement accounts, in addition to 100% of my assets (no children...
  6. D

    Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct If I tell a judge in court I want to drop charges against a person, will he drop the charges for me,

    If I tell a judge in court I want to drop charges against a person, will he drop the charges for me, or what will he do to that person in Pennsylvania?
  7. A

    Slandered in Court Resulting in Harassment Order

    Hello, I hope this is the right section. I was unable to locate a civil rights category. Basically, a woman acquaintance of mine submitted (under penalty of perjury) to a court exactly ten defamatory accusations asserted against me, but failed to provide any proof to the court (since they never...
  8. Redemptionman

    How many depositions may be taken of the plaintiff or defendant in civil court

    As a general rule and when dealing within the rules of civil procedure. How many times can a defendant in a civil manner ask the plaintiff for a deposition? As a general rule do they only get one bite of the apple or are they allowed multiple chances at depositions till they are given something.
  9. S

    Supreme Court of 1869

    In 1869 the Supreme Court had 8 Members. These days there is an odd number which makes more sense, but my question is about a 4-4 Tie. Would the side that the Chief Justice would be on, be the Tie Breaker? Or how did that work back then. Thanks
  10. A

    Granted Motion to Drop Summary Judgement for CC Debt by Court (Indiana)

    I was very stupid in my 20's, and racked up some CC debt that I never paid off. I was served a Motion for Summary Judgement and responded within the time frame necessary. However, I was served a Motion to Enter Summary Judgement by the Plaintiff a few weeks later claiming I had not responded...
  11. D

    By what authority does the [S]upreme Court of the United States use judicial review?

    When I was in college many years ago studying political science at one of the best universities in the world at the time for this subject, I was attending a lecture for class about the Constitution. As I was sitting in an auditorium filled with students (well, "filled" might be too strong a...
  12. M

    My court appointed attorney pled me guilty without even telling me what I was charged with?

    I was appalled by the fact that DCS could go to my 8 year olds school and question her, or lead her, into telling them this grand story of how we have wild parties and she cut her hand open on a beer bottle. Ok, she had cut her hand on a beer bottle when she was 3 trying to help pick up glass...
  13. A

    Civil summons copyright uk based business filed from Florida court

    I have received a summons from a corporation re copyright infringement and am one of 200 people listed in this summons. albeit not in my band but that of our eBay shop name but delivered to our email address associated with this. The listings were put on for our limited company in the uk and...
  14. M

    I missed a court date. not my fault.Next?

    Good day. I missed a telephonic court hearing because I was unable to connect at the time of the hearing. The technology failed and call did not go through. In my absence, a ruling has been made causing my child damage and slapping me with the other partie's attorney's bill. What is the right...
  15. L

    County Court

    I have a hearing coming up in the County Court of Victoria in regards to a workcover dispute to receive a serious injury certificate. What is expected of me? What should I expect during the hearing?
  16. D

    Uncle stole trust assets and is now evading probate court service

    To simplify the story my grandmother died at the end of 2019 and had a irrevocable trust naming my mother and one of her brothers as trustees with all of her other children being beneficiaries. Outside of personal affects, her only major asset was her home. The house sold and since my uncle...
  17. J

    Can you take someone to court with no contact orders in place?

    I want to take former support workers to court for basically overreacting, stitching up, ruining my life, and what have you. I reside in Edinburgh, Scotland. This happened years ago. I find it is making me agitated all of the time. The whole ordeal is equally boring as it is depressing.
  18. O

    I signed probate court documents re a new trustee, want remove my signature and support.

    I was pressured by the "to be" new trustee (my sister of which is also a beneficiary) and manipulated with lies to sign. The document was "A Consent to Install the Trustee" among waivers of accounting and documents. Her lawyer stated those had nothing to do with transparency of the actual trust...
  19. Dominic Lee

    Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks uni homework - writing a court order

    Hello everyone, I hope this is the right place to ask such a question. It may seem trivial but I have no experience with this and haven't been the best student either. I need to write a rather specific court order as homework (something I didn't expect to have to do really). It would have to...
  20. Beachwriter

    If a statute of limitations is tolled, can a higher court disallow it?

    Hello! This question is for a fictional incident in a novel, but I want it to seem realistic. If it's not appropriate to ask here, please feel free to moderate; I don't want to waste anyone's time! The fictional situation is that a wrongful death claim is filed outside the 2-year statute of...