medical malpractice

  1. C

    California medical malpractice - does the letter of intent to sue in effect shorten or extend the SOL?

    Hi, I'm a little confused about the "letter of intent" for med-mal (medical malpractice) cases in CA. From several articles I've read, it appears that this letter actually *extends* the statute, rather than, in practice, shortens it. For example, if the harm occurred on July 1, 2024, I would, if...
  2. J

    Had to quit job because I got tinnitus. But I don't know who to blame?

    Hey all, I'm in a very strange situation. Last November, I started a job in a factory. Because I take personal safety importantly, I wore hearing protection (earplugs + earmuffs) whenever I worked here (even though some of the other employees did not take hearing protection that seriously)...
  3. L

    Hiring a Nurse Practioner and need help. Thank you tons!

    I have a medical clinic in California and I am in desperate need of hiring a Nurse Practitioner. This is all very new to me and I would love to be in compliance so my patients can continue to receive the care they deserve. My main priority are my patients and the quality of care they receive...
  4. B

    Medical Malpractice Stroke Negligence

    My grandmother (78 years old) had a stroke 3-4 weeks ago, leaving her non-verbal and the left-side of her body immobile. A few weeks prior to her stroke, she went to her practitioner with complaints of dizziness, neck pain, and a fall in her kitchen. Of course, the doctor said that she was...
  5. S

    Medical Malpractice [DC] Medical Malpractice Attorney?

    Hi, I am wondering if this case might be worth anyone's time? TLDR: Nearly one year of debilitating pain (major loss in quality of life) for cancer patient due to surgical clamp left inside patient's body. Mar 2021 - Patient had surgery at DC Hospital to remove cancer. After surgery, the...
  6. jonsharkus


    I have a serious qestion about a very serious situation that I have not wavered in my belief since day one about my daughter, who is a wonderful human, but the hospital that took care of her until she passed, did a horrible job of taking care of her, and refused to do surgery while she lay in a...
  7. A

    Denied medical treatment and forced to solitary

    Hello. I have suffered a very traumatic event during the covid-19 epidemic during my incarceration. I was wondering what the professionals would suggest a do. Here is my story, I will keep it brief. I was incarcerated during the covid-19 pandemic, during this time I tested positive and was...
  8. M

    Forced to retire early

    I was injured at my doctors office when a light felling on me. I have had surgery to both shoulders and broke my wrist. I am having pain in my wrist due to the injury and my doctor said that surgery will not fix it. My employer will not let me come back to work unless I am 100%. My disability...
  9. J

    Wrongful death medical malpractice

    My mom was admitted into an emergency room in Florida. I had found her laying next to her bed. She was having trouble breathing and had slurred speech, where you really couldn't understand her. Her blood pressure was extremely high. They diagnosed her with COPD and atriala fibrillation. They...
  10. Failure to Diagnose a Stroke: Physician Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice Failure to Diagnose a Stroke: Physician Malpractice

    A medical problem known as a “stroke” occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is suddenly interrupted and brain cells die a quick death. It is an emergency medical condition that requires immediate attention. In many instances there are prior warnings that a stroke is likely to occur and...
  11. Anesthesia Errors, Accidents, Injury and Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice Anesthesia Errors, Accidents, Injury and Malpractice

    Anesthesia refers to the medical practice which temporarily removes bodily sensation and pain. Despite medical advances in the use of anesthesia, complications can still arise during surgery and may cause injury and sometimes death in severe cases. In some instances, these accidents could have...
  12. Emergency Room Errors & Premature Hospital Discharge

    Hospital Malpractice Emergency Room Errors & Premature Hospital Discharge

    A patient who is prematurely discharged from a hospital emergency room (“ER”) can suffer severe consequences. A medical professional who acts with negligence in the course of treatment in the ER can be liable for medical malpractice. This article will help you understand and identify negligent...
  13. Birth Injuries, Birth Defects and Medical Malpractice

    Hospital Malpractice Birth Injuries, Birth Defects and Medical Malpractice

    Birth injuries are the result of complications during labor and the delivery of an infant, which can cause anything from mild bruising up to and including brain damage, permanent disabilities, lifelong health problems and even wrongful death. When these injuries are the result of negligence by...