Other Criminal Charges & Offenses 17 vs 15


New Member
New York
If a man was 17 with 15 year old girl non vergin can that be held in court by the parents after 2 years of knowledge ?Also can a 19 year old date a 16 or 17 year old long as there is no known sexual intercouse?
If a man was 17 with 15 year old girl non vergin can that be held in court by the parents after 2 years of knowledge ?


You don't seriously think a child's status as a virgin or non-virgin has any relevance to any criminal issue, do you?

If you're asking whether consensual sex between two children aged 17 and 15 would be criminal under New York law, the answer is no. Note that, if a crime had been committed, the knowledge of any parent of either of the children involved would have no relevance to anything.

Also can a 19 year old date a 16 or 17 year old long as there is no known sexual intercouse?

No state has laws that dictate who may or may not date each other. I don't really understand the part about "no known sexual intercouse [sic]." As long as no sexual intercourse or other illegal conduct is occurring, then there's no legal issue. If, however, sexual intercourse were occurring, whether or not the intercourse is "known" to any person other than the participants isn't a legally relevant fact. Of course, if no one else knows about it, then it probably will never become an issue unless one of the participants makes it an issue.
If the parent says their minor child cannot date, that is all there is. The parent of said minor child could potentially file for a restraining order which could cause the restrained person problems.
The issue of age difference is generally regarding sexual assault laws.
Just because sexual assault laws may not apply does not mean that a host of other sex offenses and crimes against juveniles do not apply.
I have not looked at your state statutes, but I'm willing to bet I could find at least a couple misdemeanors that could apply to your situation.

As for the 19 y/o and the 16-17 y/o, "dating" is not illegal, however if the minor's parents do not approve and you persist then you again cross the line.
That you ala about "no known intercourse" implies that there has been intercourse, and I suspect you already know the answer to that.
Don't fool around with minors unless you are ok with the idea of being sexually abused in prison. Inmates don't tend to be very kind to child molesters.
Thank you for your time one more question if a parent says they can't date would it be illegal and court matter to continue so

Absolutely, yes.
You could face criminal charges for violating laws intended to protect minors from this exact sort of behavior.
You could become subject to a restraining order and could be arrested for violating that order.
Bottom line...don't mess around with kids. They are called jail bait for a reason. The jails are full of people who thought they wouldn't get caught.
if a parent says they can't date would it be illegal and court matter to continue so

If the parents of Child A don't want Child A dating Person B, then all they need do is prohibit Child A from going on dates. If Child A and Person B fail to respect Child A's parents' rules, then the parents have a number of options, including seeking a restraining order against Person B.
OT: anyone else giggling about the OPs choice of usernames? The "loveguru"? Really? May just be my Valentine's day humor....
OT: anyone else giggling about the OPs choice of usernames? The "loveguru"? Really? May just be my Valentine's day humor....

LOL, yes, I noticed it on day one.
Good catch, hrforme.
Some user names mean little, some mean nothing, others are quite revealing.

This is what I found to be most troubling:

If a man was 17 with 15 year old girl non vergin can that be held in court by the parents after 2 years of knowledge ?

Taken at face value, this alleged saga started TWO years ago, which I read as one was 15 years old, and the other was 13 years old.

This budding "relationship" may have lasted longer than many adult marriages.

I've never understood the chances people take with their lives, as well as the live sof others.
I read it differently .. OP is now 19, referring to something that occurred 2 years ago while 17 (and probably since).
I suspect parents have cut him off and threatened action if he doesn't disappear.
What astonishes me is the number of older teens and younger 20's who somehow believe that a parent does not have a right to parent their minor child, and that somewhere there is going to be a law giving THEM the right to "date" that minor despite the objections of the parent.

Not going to happen. Not in any state. As long as the minor IS a minor, if Mom and Dad say No, it's NO, and the law will back THEM up, not the horny teen-or-20 something who somehow thinks they actually have some rights in the situation.
Society doesn't do enough to punish adults who wish to harm children.

The planet is populated by far too many dangerous, sick, perverted humananoids.
What astonishes me is the number of older teens and younger 20's who somehow believe that a parent does not have a right to parent their minor child, and that somewhere there is going to be a law giving THEM the right to "date" that minor despite the objections of the parent.

I've been posting on boards like this for over 15 and nearly 20 years. I've seen dozens (maybe even hundreds) of posts asking about the legality of two persons of certain ages dating (such as the original post in this thread), but I've never seen anyone express a belief that a law of the sort described does or might exist. I too would be pretty astonished to see something like that (and maybe you've seen it in places other than legal message boards). Posts like the original post in this thread seem to presume the existence of laws that make it illegal for persons of certain ages to date, but that's a far cry from believing in the existence of a law giving a person the right to date a child over the child's parents' objection.
I've been posting on legal message boards since the late 90's - some of them the same as you. I actually have seen posts from people who thought as long as no law actually prohibited the relationship, as in no law exists that says, "At age 15 you may only date people who are 16 or younger" type deal, that Mom and Dad were thereby prohibited from saying no. Since the law did not prohibit it, Mom and Dad couldn't either. Maybe not quite the same thing as a law granting permission, but definitely a belief that the law would support their right to the minor over Mom and Dad's.

Although I will grant that most of the posts I've seen on that order are on a forum where I don't think I've ever seen you.
Parents can disallow all kinds of things that either aren't addressed or prohibited by law. For example, parents can set a curfew, bedtime, insist homework be done before hanging out with friends, forbid a teenager from getting a driver's license, ground them, forbid them from using the phone/computer/social media, etc. Parents can also forbid someone to have contact with their child, or put limits on when and how that contact occurs. About the only exception is the law does give those under 18 the right to some forms of medical treatment without parental consent, and even that varies a lot by state and circumstance.

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