Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse 18 year old

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I was with my cousin and we had been smoking marijuana. The police knocked on my door and tried to hide but I seen him hiding. My cousin hides our stuff in my dorm room and I opened the door. The cops asked to come in and I let them. They could tell we were high. He said we could do it the hard way or the easy way, give him our stuff or wait for a warrant to search my room. I took the easy way and gave him my pipe. He then asked to search my room and I asked why I just gave you my pipe. He said well you could have a pound in here. So I gave them permission to search my room, instead of waiting on a warrant and he found a little more than a gram in my room. They kept searching my room and tore it apart. He calls us back in and writes me two citations to appear in court, one for possesion of paraphernalia and one for possesion of marijuana under 30 grams. Then they left. Later as I was reading my citations I noticed on one they put I was 19 and on the other I was 18 and on one I was male and the other one I was female. This is my first offense also. Yet with the mistakes on the citations they gave me will my case get dismissed?
What could be important is to right your wrong asap. Show the judge that you are serious about your mistake and get into counseling. Some judges are ok with the AA/NA thing however this is NOT therapy nor counseling. Chose your own counseling before its chosen for you.
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