19 year-old caught with Weed

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My 19-year-old son just got arrested with 3 ounces of pot in my car and under age drinking. I think he was charged with 2 felonies? He's at home and says he will handle it; he is no shape to HANDLE IT! What can I do? What should I do? He's a smart kid. He's in college and has a job. This is his 1st offense as an adult.
My 19-year-old son just got arrested with 3 ounces of pot in my car and under age drinking. I think he was charged with 2 felonies? He's at home and says he will handle it; he is no shape to HANDLE IT! What can I do? What should I do? He's a smart kid. He's in college and has a job. This is his 1st offense as an adult.

Not much YOU can do, MOM, except pray and perhaps HIRE him a great criminal defense attorney.
He isn't likely to end up in prison, but his GOOD name will be marred and sullied beyond repair if he's convicted of any ILLEGAL DRUG offense.
so this offense is not a minor thing? According to him 3 ounces is nothing and he wants to fight it. He says the weed is not his.
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What about a public attorney? Can they help? Or should we hire an attorney? I'm a teacher and I have another son to help thru college.
so this offense is not a minor thing? According to him 3 ounces is nothing and he wants to fight it. He says the weed is not his.

You can probably look it all up on the court's website, just use his name and date of birth.
You can probably buy a copy of the police report and see EXACTLY what went down.

If he's being charged with a FELONY, its VERY serious.
Even a small drug conviction (as in misdemeanor) can RUIN his chances to obtain a position he is trying to achieve by earning a college degree.
In some cases, he can LOSE any federal scholarship money and grant assistance to fund his college degree.

A public defender is an option, but depending upon his finances (and maybe YOURS), he might not qualify.
He can always ask, and the court will decide.
Thanks for your help. I'l get that report when it's available, he just got arrested around 2 am. When I tried to get my car they informed the report was not available yet. I need to request an Early Release Hearing to get my car out of the impound. I guess his dad and I have to start looking around for someone. I just don't know where to start. We have never had any legal issues. What about the attorneys on this web site?
Thanks for your help. I'l get that report when it's available, he just got arrested around 2 am. When I tried to get my car they informed the report was not available yet. I need to request an Early Release Hearing to get my car out of the impound. I guess his dad and I have to start looking around for someone. I just don't know where to start. We have never had any legal issues. What about the attorneys on this web site?

Yes, we have a legal referral service.
Check it out, as there are many qualified attorneys.
I hope you can find one or two who practice in your area.

There is additional information on these links.

I hope he wasn't arrested in Maricopa County.

Maricopa County is very, very tough in pursuing all criminal defendants.

Take a look and inform yourself about what your son is facing:



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If you can afford it, hire him a criminal defense attorney. If you can't, he can ask the court if they will appoint him a public defender (defends on financial situation). "Generally" it is best to hire your own before going to court if you can.
What about a public attorney? Can they help? Or should we hire an attorney? I'm a teacher and I have another son to help thru college.

A public defender is an attorney. But it's often not a choice; either you can afford to hire an attorney if you can't. If you can, you don't get a public defender.
Marijuana offenses often are treated as petty crimes now, however the problem here is the quantity. Three ounces is actually quite a bit. Hopefully they aren't trying to get him for sales.
An attorney can help him to get the best plea offer.
Your son needs to:

1) Delay the proceedings as long as possible
2) Go to drug rehab. Turn to Jesus or the 12 steps or whatever
3) Ask the state to allow him to go to a 'diversion' program for first time offenders where he jumps through whatever hoops the state asks to then have his record expunged.
4) quit smoking ounces of dope. He isnt a kid anymore. Grow up.

I just wanted to add this :

Your son has 4 people on his side and one against him.

For him: you, the officer, judge and defense lawyer/public defender

Against him: your son.
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