2 collection Agencies collecting on same debt

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I have one collection agency that called and said they bought the debt in Jan 2007, they mailed a summons (not certified) and is in the court system - so it is real. I also have another collection agency calling and wanting payment now and bought the debt in December 2006. These two agencies are collecting on the same debt. I have come up with the $320 to send a response but would like to send a debt validation letter to both agencies because right now we really don't know who to pay. Both agencies reply are the same, 'pay us or it won't be recorded right on the credit report'. On the summons, I tried to contact the lawyer she wouldn't be in she was to be on vacation for the next week or so. I haven't called this week yet. Been working to pay the $320 response for the summons reply. Would like a little help since our local free Legal help doesn't help with debt collection responses or items anymore - but they did help with what paperwork to file and how much the fee would be. The summons was received on August 11, 2007. I have 30 days to reply. I called the local court house they said from the file not the delivery date. Explained it was received in regular mail on the 11th of August. she HOLLERED at me that I NEED TO RESPOND ANYWAY. I knew that but was really suprised at how she reacted. I am going to send a return receipt to the court house and the Collectors Attorney on Monday letting the them know when it was received and that there will be a response by the 10th of september. Is this wise? Since I didn't get the summons as a certified mail which is required by law in California - at least that is what I read on the website. Would appreciate any comments....:)
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