2 kids, 2 exes, why did one owe 100K in back support and the other owe nothing?

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Why did it take 17 1/2 years for my local family support division to take my 2nd ex to court for a support judgement when I was on county aid when his son was born and I gave them full cooperation as to his whereabouts, even tried to speed things along and paid and filed for my own paternity tests before he turned 2 yrs as I was tired of waiting.. and I read in the California code of Families children and intitutions the local family support division's 1st priorety once a case is opened is getting the custodial parent court ordered support ..Why was that never done for me?? And why is it that my first ex was charged to repay back the county for both of my kids because he allready had the court ordered support that I paid for along with my divorce and they used it for all repayment of the years I was on aid with both kids (I guess because it was an easier way of collecting for both kids when they knew full well where the 2nd father was but I believe purposely chose to ignore him), Why did they never take his drivers licence and after years of begging the Family support division to get me a court order for support it finally happened when my son was 17 1/2 years old...I guess they finally realized they screwed up and had to get it in before he turned 18 so I recieved $234 monthly for 6 months and also According to the CA Family and Institutions codes if the county doesn't get the custodial parent a support order in the appropriate time allotted they are not allowed to collect monies to repay the county for past aid recieved..They did get a judgement to have him pay back the county about the time they should have gotten my support order. They went to court and got a judgement to have ex 2 to repay the county 3K for past aid recieved and covered it up..I only found it threw public records years later... Were my civil rights violated????

PS. ex that owes 100K.and has finished paying off the county and it was supposed to be my turn to collect the 500 per month paid like clockwork to the county for 3 years straight but didn't even try to enforce until I kept bugging my local office..He just died and left all assets in his girlfreinds name, his home he built in Clear Lake, Boats, truck,ect.. and the other ex just built a home in Maui and has never had to work 1 day in his life..And still is gloating about it..Lucky bastard, Me on the other hand who never could afford to get a 401K with any company I worked for and was sole provider for both my kids is now living in my car..
Well, you at least have Internet. Do you have a question for any of us?

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Because they have hundreds of thousands of parents to chase and they cannot get to everyone. If you are living in your car..I hope the kids are grown and not with you. You have a responsibility to support your kids and not just the fathers and tax payers.
Am I wrong, because I thought it was the custodial parent's responsibility to file for child support from the absent parent, and child support enforcement's job to enforce the support order? Maybe it is different on the west coast I guess?
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