Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI 2nd DUI

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I'm a 21 y/o male student and I recently got arrested and charged with my second DUI (first was 9 months ago). My BAC was .18.
Now I am really worried about what's happening now. Am I going to jail? If so, how much jail time am I looking at? And what about other penalties? Can I avoid jail somehow?
Thank you.
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Ashandel said:
I'm a 21 y/o male student and I recently got arrested and charged with my second DUI (first was 9 months ago). My BAC was .18.
Now I am really worried about what's happening now. Am I going to jail? If so, how much jail time am I looking at? And what about other penalties? Can I avoid jail somehow?
Thank you.

You could do a few days in jail, but generally you'll get some form if suspended sentence, probation, pay a fine, suffer increased insurance costs, lose your license (probably be able to get a restricted/limited use license for work or school), do some community service, take classes in alcohol abuse, and perhaps be required to purchase an interlock device for your car.

But, not so fast. You haven't Bern convicted, yet!

Plead not guilty and ask for a court appointed lawyer or hire your own. Get help for your alcohol issues and stay out of trouble. A good lawyer can often ease your pain and lessen any penalties.
Regardless of what happens you need to get help. You have had two DUI's in less than a year. That means twice this year you have risked other people's lives because your crap choices. Sorry, but this is one area that I have no sympathy for. You don't need to be sitting here worried about how to get out of going to jail. You need to be worried about how you plan on not doing this again. And consider yourself lucky you didn't plow into a car with some family in it.
Army Judge is pretty much dead on.

However, I'm not familiar with California. In Michigan and many other plaes, a 2nd offense so soon will REVOKE your license for 1 year. Then you have to have a hearing to get it back.

There are of course other fines, etc. involved, and likely a bit of community service.

.18 BAC is pretty high, in some places that involves enhancement penalties. You shoould get a lawyer. . .
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