$4,000 behind on Child Support

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My ex is a year behind on child support. The papers state that he should pay $296.73 per month along with medical fees and half of child care (She's 4). I have been afraid to turn him over to the state for back child support because I was told if I did so then he could go back to court and change the original custody agreement. I have sole custody of my daughter. He gets her every other weekend from Saturday (8am) to Sunday (6pm). Holidays are arranged in the paperwork. It is not standard visitation. If I go back to court to file for not paying child support, could he get standard visitation then if he fought it and how likely would that be?

If it matters, he lives with his mother, doesn't own a car, and hasn't had a job in over a year. He is currently seeking disability (but also working under the table).

In all honesty, I'm afraid to file that he's in contempt for not paying child support in fear that he will try to change the original divorce papers.
Yes, he could very easily obtain a standard visitation order.

Is there some reason you'd object to this?
I don't feel she is watched well when she's there even now. She comes back injured everytime ( bruises, chigger bites, knot on head from being unsupervised when in shower, severe sunburn, etc). It's something everytime. There are horses and a pond on the property and it makes me nervous that she's not watched for the amount of time she's there now.
Ah, no.

If she was TRULY coming home injured - and I mean INJURED versus stuff that happens to kids on a regular basis just because they are kids - you would have had CPS involved before now.

You've told the court that you think Dad is a fine parent. The court will agree.

Dad could get more visitation even without you filing for contempt for nonpayment of child support, so you might as well go ahead and file!
I agree. You should file and if he dosent pay up soon then he could get a reminder from the judge (a little jail time) how important it is to support the child. You say he has not worked in a year so you prob. will not see any money anytime soon anyways. Good luck.
Bums like this ate losers in all aspects of their miserable, useless lives. They never work. They don't pay their child support. These losers only know one thing, how to fail!

Thus bum will never voluntarily pay you a dime. File for what he owes you for your kid. He'll never go to court. He has initiative only for failing.
Bums like this ate losers in all aspects of their miserable, useless lives. They never work. They don't pay their child support. These losers only know one thing, how to fail!

Thus bum will never voluntarily pay you a dime. File for what he owes you for your kid. He'll never go to court. He has initiative only for failing.

So sad but true. lol
Ah, I can actually see this Dad filing for standard visitation if Mom files for contempt.

He's actually a regular, consistent part of the child's life - and sounds like one of those types who, if threatened with financial consequences, would run right back to court because he doesn't want to pay more for a child he doesn't see.

I can absolutely see this one wanting standard visitation..which he'll likely get.
If it requires EFFORT this loser will either screw it up, or talk it up; and do nothing!

Even if this loser gets standard visitation, he won't utilize it fully. That takes work. Creeps like this aren't interested in doing anything that requires initiative or effort.

They talk a good show, but more often than not, they fail to perform.

Ah, I can actually see this Dad filing for standard visitation if Mom files for contempt.

He's actually a regular, consistent part of the child's life - and sounds like one of those types who, if threatened with financial consequences, would run right back to court because he doesn't want to pay more for a child he doesn't see.

I can absolutely see this one wanting standard visitation..which he'll likely get.
Oh without a doubt!

But we gotta remember, visitation is a right - not an obligation. He can file, get standard visitation, and choose not to always utilize it. Some bums will make the CP's life hell just because they can.
Deadbeats scream and howl about their rights.

They don't even whisper or wimper about their responsibilities.

I'm glad I never had one of these creatures to complicate my life.

I would never have said hello to a deadbeat, loser bum.

You don't have to see a skunk to know it is about.

The same is true about these lazy, no account, shiftless, deadbeats. You need not say hello to one, to recognize what it is!

My heart aches even more for the children these losers create.
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