8 year old son living with father,single mother of 2 other children having to pay sup

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my son for the last 2 years has lived with his father and agreed to the situation because my son was determined to stay but i also have 2 other children of my own who i support all alone. i get my son every weekend and most holidays. i have been ordered to pay child support which fact i am not arguing but with 2 children and being the head of household with no other support coming in we are barely making it they tell me i have no way of lowering my monthly payments is this true?
How much support are you being told to pay?

Since you do not have custody of your son, you still must support him. Most CS agencies do take into account your other 2 children, howevr they still generally are going to expect you to work a full time job and at the bare minimum, make minimm wage. Not sure how much money you make but if funds are tight, you need to get support from their dads and get some help financially.

You can see if you qualify for legal aid if you need legal advice.
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