80 year old "buttinski" dies after confrontation with "maskless" person.

army judge

Super Moderator
Why have humans after thousands of years on this planet NOT learned to mind their own business?

Have these vigilantes NOT heard about "911"?

Time after time, we see meddlers, wannabes, buttinskis, and whatnots; attempt to tell others how to behave.

Have these self-appointed "moms" and "pops" no self control?

Have these "meddlers" not learned a very simple lesson, an adult has no ability to control the actions of another adult WITHOUT a negative consequence?

Time after time, these interventions end in tragedy.

80-year-old former Marine dies after confrontation with bar patron not wearing a mask

My conclusion is very different from yours. While one might debate when someone should intervene and point out the stupid behavior of others, he surely didn't deserve to be killed by the maskless guy. There is no doubt in my mind that the maskless guy was wrong on two counts: first, for not wearing the mask, and second for his violent reaction when that first wrong was pointed out.

Instead of leading with the line you did: "Why have humans after thousands of years on this planet NOT learned to mind their own business?"

I would instead say "Why have humans after thousands of years on this planet NOT learned to NOT kill someone else over a minor disagreement?"
My youngest daughter was dx'ed with PDD when she was 3. She had verbal communication problems and would have nuclear tantrums (frustration) when people didn't understand what she was trying to tell them. This would happen in stores, busses, parks...wherever. I would VERY often get dirty looks from strangers when "safety holding" my daughter so she wouldn't harm herself or others. Often well meaning people would offer well meaning, but ignorant, parenting advice for my "spoiled" 3 year old. I can't tell you how many total strangers would tell me to spank my daughter for her behavior. Spank a 3 year old that is deeply sad and frustrated because she isn't understood.

As pissed off as I would get at some of these people it never occurred to me to push, slap, punch, stab, shoot, spit on, hang, yell at any of these "buttinskis".

There is something deeply wrong with a person who attacks/kills someone because they were asked/told to wear a mask during a freaking pandemic.
There is something deeply wrong with a person who attacks/kills someone because they were asked/told to wear a mask during a freaking pandemic.

You did what a good parent had to do.
I was taught as a child to look away from a commotion, or a parental intervention.
I maintain that practice today.
Good on you for being a great mom.

Society has established for the protection of it's citizenry people who are designated to enforce it's laws.

I will never understand why some people resort to instructing, chastising, or correcting others; or taking vigilante action when they observe someone acting outside the boundaries of the law.

These days almost everyone carries a mobile phone, (many people also carry a firearm or a knife) and knows that calling "911" will see to it that one of our paid professionals responds to investigate your complaint.

Self help remedies are often fraught with disastrous results and unintended consequences.
You did what a good parent had to do.
I was taught as a child to look away from a commotion, or a parental intervention.
I maintain that practice today.
Good on you for being a great mom.

Society has established for the protection of it's citizenry people who are designated to enforce it's laws.

I will never understand why some people resort to instructing, chastising, or correcting others; or taking vigilante action when they observe someone acting outside the boundaries of the law.

These days almost everyone carries a mobile phone, (many people also carry a firearm or a knife) and knows that calling "911" will see to it that one of our paid professionals responds to investigate your complaint.

Self help remedies are often fraught with disastrous results and unintended consequences.
Some people run to danger...and some run from it. It is very situation-dependent, but our society is (and always has been) a better place because of the people who run towards danger.
These days almost everyone carries a mobile phone, (many people also carry a firearm or a knife) and knows that calling "911" will see to it that one of our paid professionals responds to investigate your complaint.

(Bolding added.) I wish that was always the case. Sadly, it is not. And even when they do respond, it is often too late to be of much use other than taking a report that gets filed never to see the light of day again.
So you joined the Army. There is never any commotion involved in that. :p

Controlled chaos.

The only "self-help" I employ is in defense of myself or my wife.

I've never had to use it to defend my wife.
The last time I used it to protect myself was in the military.
(Bolding added.) I wish that was always the case. Sadly, it is not. And even when they do respond, it is often too late to be of much use other than taking a report that gets filed never to see the light of day again.

Right. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.
Right. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

I live in a town of ~18,000. We have about 45 full-time officers. A year or so ago my neighbor's burglar alarm started screaming and know he was out of town I called 911. It took them 13 minutes to show up. When they did they sat in the car for about 5 more minutes waiting for backup. They then walked to the front door and knocked. It was about 5 more minutes until they walked to the back of the house and started shining their lights in the windows.

While I have huge respect for the police as far as needing them in an emergency in my home I just consider them a clean-up crew.
I respect all of the men and women who have chosen to take an oath to enforce the laws our elected officials make.

They aren't perfect, because they're homo sapiens, and none of us homo sapiens are perfect.

Our law enforcement officials are dedicated, professional, tireless, honest, fearless protectors of the citizenry, property, and law and order.

I can't imagine what life would be like if suddenly there were no professional law enforcement officials, fire fighters, or paramedics.

I commend them all, admire them for doing very tough jobs, and pray for each and every one to stay safe as they stand ready to protect and serve us all.
I respect and commend the majority of law enforcement officers who do their jobs with integrity, honor, and a willingness to treat all citizens equally regardless of race or sex. Unfortunately, not all of them do that. For the corrupt or bigoted cop I have only contempt.
Have these self-appointed "moms" and "pops" no self control?


Talk about self control. You can't have a verbal discussion with someone without losing control to the point of pushing someone over with sufficient force to kill someone? Doesn't much matter what the original subject of the disagreement, such a person is too dangerous to be allowed loose in society.

Further, a person who flauts the law and endagers the health of the general popution being called on it is far from "buttinski."

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