9 11

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New York
During 911, 2996 people died, less than 10 people got arrested in America, I need to know how to arrest the people that did 9 11. Some of which are the Bush Family. Thx

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Yes, but I suggest you not bother because there is no way on earth that you are ever going to arrest anybody involved in 9/11.

And your reference to arresting the Bush family leads me to conclude that you are delusional.
Thank you.
PVT Gomer Pyle, who was a mechanic at the time in Mayberry solved a similar problem.
Look as he shows how to make the "high and mighty" answer for their crimes.
Is it okay to put a link here?

Yes, but I suggest you not bother because there is no way on earth that you are ever going to arrest anybody involved in 9/11.

And your reference to arresting the Bush family leads me to conclude that you are delusional.
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