a conversation by email counts as a contract?

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New Member

I write you because I would like to know how can I do business on Internet and protect my ideas. If we do not sign a NDA, but we speak about the confidentiality of the information by email, this account as a contract because is in the email that is my information and that he can now say nothing because we speak about this in the email? (For example, if he said in the email that is my information and that he can't do anything with this information without my permission)

Thank you in advanced


I write you because I would like to know how can I do business on Internet and protect my ideas. If we do not sign a NDA, but we speak about the confidentiality of the information by email, this account as a contract because is in the email that is my information and that he can now say nothing because we speak about this in the email? (For example, if he said in the email that is my information and that he can't do anything with this information without my permission)

Thank you in advanced


An email and the assertion that such an email constitutes a contract is meaningless.

If you don't want your ideas disclosed, don't reveal them to others.
Even the use of a NDA isn't sacrosanct.
If you want a secret, don't tell any other living human being.
(For example, if he said in the email that is my information and that he can't do anything with this information without my permission)

If that's all the email said, then it would not likely be an enforceable contract.

Emails could be evidence of a contract if the emails contain the required elements of a contract:

Offer and acceptance.
Specifics about who does what.
A legal purpose.
Consideration (which could be an exchange of money for services or services for services or a promise to do something in exchange for something, etc).

And, of course, the emails should say something like "This is a Contract."

If you want more information on what constitutes a contract, study the following:

Contract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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