Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant A detective has a picture of me and is asking about me

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New Member
A couple days ago I received a call from my brother who owns a business. He says that 2 detectives came into his business and asked the employee at the counter where my brother was (they asked for my brother by name). The employee said that he was on vacation. The detectives then showed the employee a picture of me! and asked if he knew the person in the picture. The employee said that he never seen the person in the picture (the picture was of me). I have no criminal record. They didn't give their card to the employee or anything else. If they knew my name they could easily find me. I live with my wife and kids and I work 10 hour shifts. My cars and my home are in my name so I'm not sure why did haven't came to my home or called me (Im not hard to find). Should I be concerned? and should I call the police department and ask them why they were going around showing a picture of me? Thanks
I would do nothing. If they want to speak with you they will eventually find you. If they don't then it wasn't that important anyway.
Agree. I would do nothing - wait & see if you are contacted.
These days you never know, OP.
In fact, as the person reporting this said, he saw (nor did he request to see) no ID.
These might just be creeps, con-men, bag-men for the mob, cops, private investigators, Feds, or debt collectors.
I'd be very wary, and I'd try to remember why anyone would have a picture of me trying to determine who I am.
Other than vigilance, I'd do nothing about finding these people.
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