A father's harmful choices

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As an adult, that was something HE shouldve considered before he stepped out his marriage!!! it is not my goal to deprive my child, but obviously his choices can lead him to be reprimanded and jeopardize his child

His choices can result in his imprisonment.

Adultery is no joke in the military.
Put it this way:

NOTHING you have said proves Dad unfit when it comes to custody.

Yes, you chose to do what you did. You didn't exercise due diligence in choosing a partner. This is NOT all his fault.

With regards to him being unfit, you need to forget that angle. Is he dangling the child over boiling oil every evening? Exposing the child to a child molester on a regular basis? Driving drunk with the child present on a regular basis? Feeding the child beer and special brownies? Not feeding the child?

You would be astonished at the "acceptable" standard of parenting.

Please, talk to an attorney if you don't like what you're being told here.
Actually, adultery is a very serious charge under the UCMJ.

He could be reduced to E1, given a bad conduct (even dishonorable) discharge, and end up in Leavenworth.

Oh, I know this. If Mommy wants her child to have those privileges though, she might want to tread very carefully.

Cutting one's nose off to spite one's face. So to speak. :)
Yep.... with him being in the military and cheating on his wife. The military doesn't take this stuff lying down. He will be in BIG trouble. But you also need to protect your child's rights as well. I would suggest seeking a monthly support for the child. If you have been able to live all these years without it then it would be WONDERFUL for your child to grow up having a lot of money in the bank. College, down payment on a house. Being a disabled veteran myself my children get a monthly check... We put it straight to their investment account. One day they will be very happy adults.. :-) So seek out what is needed for the child
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