Criminal Records, Expungement A shoplifting case i want expunge it was in 1983 i had just turned 18

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I want to now since this happen in 1983 i was 18 can i still use the 1st time offenders act i haven't done anything else since then i am 49 now it usually don't come up at all in back ground check but now we have to be fingerprinted to teach here in ga i don't want this to affect my ability from teaching or should i try and get it expunged i hope i can do something i have not did anything or been in any trouble at all since i was in high school i am 49 years old now so what should i do i do not want this to come up on my finger prints
Any conviction will be revealed if you're fingerprinted. I suggest you discuss if a shoplifting conviction will bar you from receiving a teaching credential with the state licensing authority. Expunction won't remove the Conviction or conceal it. Only a pardon will do that. This is why people should obey the law. One conviction will forever ruin your life.
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