A tree limb blew down on my car

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I live in an apartment in Dallas, TX. I have asked the management to trim a 100+ foot tree over the back patio of my apartment many times, mainly because of the leaves that fall. During a major storm, a 25+ ft limb fell over my neighbors and my patio. many other limbs fell also. The problem is a 20+ plus limb blew over the front of my apartment, across the entire roof, and hit the front corner of my car, denting the hood, front quarter panel, and cracking my headlight. The limb was still laying right in front of my car after the storm ended. I have taken 2 rolls of film of the damage with the limb laying there and pictures of the tree and it's relation to my apartment from every angle. When I presented a estimate of repair to the property manager, he said they would not pay because it was an "Act of God". Can they do that or do I have a civil lawsuit agaist them
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