Accused of stealing

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I was recently fired from my job at a major department store for discounting merchandise for another employee. The item in question had been place on clearance for 80% off. The item was not ringing up correctly, so I discounted it manually as I had been told to do many times for other customers by the store manager. Since then, the manager has been moved to another location for career advancement opportunities and another manager moved in. A loss prevention guy decided to go back a few months in the sales records. He found this questionable transaction and decided we were in on a scam together. The item was listed as clearance, but because it was a large price adjustment, they decided that we were thieves.

I have never been fired from a job and certainly never stolen from an employer. I don't care about this part-time job. I don't have to have it because my husband provides well for the family. I am concerned about my employment record in the future when I decide to get back in the work force.

1) What can they tell inquiring potential employers?
2) What should I say on my resume and applications?
3) If they do give unfavorable information to other employers, is there any recourse for me to take or have they ruined my work life?

Thanks for any information.
1) What can they tell inquiring potential employers?Anything truthful or they believe is truthful. this would include suspected theft
2) What should I say on my resume and applications?Job ended
3) If they do give unfavorable information to other employers, is there any recourse for me to take or have they ruined my work life?None other than attempt to explain this during interview if it comes up

You might look into this retailer policy on info as well. Many retailers shy away from detailed info and only state dates worked, pay rate and, if your rehirable. Ask a friend to call saying they are from XYZ store and you had put them down as past employee, see what they say
You should not say anything on your resume. On your application you should answer all questions truthfully.
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