Accused of Stealing

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Sometime last year around October-November 2009, an individual in my HR department came into my office and asked me, "Did you see my label maker?" I told her no, but you can borrow mine. She paused and said, "That's ok, I was just wondering if you had it." I told her no again. She then said, "Well someone took it from my desk drawer." I told her I do not have it and I would not go into anyone's desk drawer for any reason. She said, "I was just asking" and walked away.
A month later November-December 2009 (we had some visitors visiting the office and I was asked by one of the Partners to ask HR if he can use their storage space. I asked HR and was told, "ok". I made a copy of the key (thinking I was being helpful). I gave the original key to the Partner and the copy to HR.
This past week the same individual (label maker) came up to me and asked me if I was in the HR storage room lately. I told her no. She asked me if I had made an extra copy of the key. I told her no. She asked me again if I was sure I was not in that room. I told her no and why is she asking? At first she said, "Oh just wondering". Then she said that someone was in the room and some portable DVD players were stolen. I was very upset, but kept my cool. I asked her was building security informed or the cops called? She said, no. I then asked her when did it happen? She told me just a couple of days ago. I told her that I was not in the room and do not go into areas I do not have any business being in. I then walked into my office. About a minute later she followed me in. She then asked me, "Well who else would have the key to that room?" I mentioned maybe someone in facilities, but I doubt that they took anything from there. I then told her I would not go into that room and anyone's drawers. She then looked at me and said, "I was just wondering and walked out." These 2 incidents have really shaken me. I have never been accused of stealing and it is tough to complain when someone in HR is accusing me. The Regional HR Director was informed. Her response so far is, "Well (the individual) is a farm girl from upstate Pennsylvania and can sometime be straightforward and maybe abrasive" Maybe (the accused) just misunderstood. What am I supposed to do when the Regional HR Director is already making excuses for this individual without even discussing it with me? What course of legal action if any do I have? I can't even begin to explain the emotional and mental anguish I am going through. It has left me depressed and unfocused at the job.
I don't understand what you're asking.
What is your legal problem?
Have you been dismissed?
Have you been charged with any company offenses?
I have not been dismissed just accused twice by H.R. of theft. Not sure if it's technically a legal issue that is why I posted my situation. I just don't understand how Human Resources can just go around accusing me with no proof. I am the only person out of 230 people that has been accused.
I don't understand what you're asking.
What is your legal problem?
Have you been dismissed?
Have you been charged with any company offenses?
From what you reported, they never accused you of anything.
They simply asked a question, and when you responded no, they said they were wondering.
The response they gave is unusual, even somewhat suspicious.
But, I don't see anything illegal.
It appears that someone is watching you.
It isn't clear why.
I don't see where anyone accused you of anything. They asked a question, you answered it, and that was the end of it.
Yes, if everything went exactly as you stated they haven't actually accused you of any wrong doings, and are merely asking for information.

If they know you made a copy of the key and you are telling them you have no info on any other keys, that could be why they keep coming back to see what you say?

That's the only thing I'd be worried about, since it's never good to lie if you don't have to?
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