Assault & Battery Accuser getting other people involved

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a friend's unfortunate situation is being spirraled even more out of control.

their accuser is their ex partner who has scared the life out of him for something they did not do all because of a bad ending of a relationship which was her fault (in complete honesty) and her friends added fuel to the fire.

he is now being taken to court and the date is approaching fast and he feels that he does not seem to have any defence.

The accuser is now trying to get an ex friend of his to make a statement against him which makes no sense as:

1) they have never met
2) they dont know each other
3) what relevance does the ex friend have to the entire matter? None!
4) his ex friend said she has nothing bad to say about him at all and wouldnt do such a thing (which i dont believe to be honest given her past and what she had put him through) - and have emails to prove this which he believes can be used against her if she goes and gives evidence from a complete stranger!

Can this be used?

this ex friend for whatever reason is telling him.
he has email proofs though that the ex friend said that she would not say anything against him as she knows that he is not such a person that is being made out of him and so on and that she has nothing bad to say about him.

So why on earth is the accuser getting her involved? Furthermore is this allowed even though the ex friend has no relevance to the matter in any way at all?

he had a mention hearing last week which was interesting.

the S41 application was denied to bring up previous history of the accuser. The declining reasons made no sense at all which prompted the barrister to have a mention hearing.

There was no "harrasment" warning found that the accuser said was given to the defendant.

The prosecution also havent got any "experts" to analyse emails that were exchanged between them as the prosecution say that there is no relevance in the matter but also that they werent instructed to do so - they DID give them instructions.

The reason for the email/phone experts is because in her statement, she states the relationship was over a month before, this is absolutely not true and he has proof of this.

The prosecution also have not disclosed anything about this alleged breach of bail a few days before xmas which to me personally means they do not have any proof or evidence but only word of mouth (again).

he just doesnt know what more to do or say. he has no idea how to defend himself and prove that she is lying.

As I may have mentioned earlier on another post, the accuser posted publically on the internet begging for money from people as she was "scared" of losing her home and kids because of unpaid rent. (he bailed her out last time!)
She also makes further allegations which are such lies and so not true, such as hacking into emails and frauding her bank account of a large sum of money.
can this discovery be also put into the case?

The original matter is that she has accused him of assaulting her (common assault and sexual assault) both on a VERY minor scale.

thanks for any help
maybe so but check the selected "Jurisdiction/Place". I've posted questions here before and got good responses.
there is an option in the Jurisdiction/Place where you can select the Jurisdiction/Place the question relates to!
The relevance of her testimony, most likely, will be questioned.

She has no direct knowledge of this current incident.

Besides, the alleged victim doesn't present the case, as that is solely within the purview of the state.

No prosecutor, worth their salt would even try to call a witness such as you indicate.

Furthermore, even if such a witness was called and attempted to present such information, prior bad acts of any defendant can only be mentioned in a very limited light and scope.

Unless, the defendant's attorney is very stupid, this is of no import or moment.

But, the defendant should know that he isn't to be in contact or communication with the alleged victim, her friends, co-workers, or relatives!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
thanks army judge.
indeed the defendant knows this very well but what does not make sense is why the alleged victim is trying to contact an ex friend of the defendant, someone who have had no contact in the past, do not know each other etc....
to me it seems as if the alleged victim is trying to cause more havoc and is desperate.

Should the ex friend get involved, I again personally cannot understand the relevance however if they do get involved, can it be given to them to question on why they are involved yet state in an email that they wouldnt get involved and know that the defendant would not do what has been accused of, nor is it their character?

Infact, the defendant has told the ex friend numerous times to not contact him at all and has even had to get the police involved due to harrasment at one point. yet the ex friend continues to contact the defendant.

What about in regards to the other items mentioned?

thanks again Army Judge!
Firehawk2009, as you are well acquainted with the defendant, tell him to ignore this.

Pass along to the defendant, please, that if any contacts are made of him, he should decline to reciprocate or communicate and immediately inform his attorney.:no:

It appears to me that these creatures are attempting to set the defendant up, AGAIN!:o

The creatures could be worried and desperate at this point. :dunno:

The creatures might know that their evil charade will soon be unmasked. :duel:
well one would hope that would be the case Mr.Judge!
The defendant isnt stupid and knows that there is no contact being made, from his side anyway. It's just stupid as he pretty much has been shoved into a corner against his will and people are trampling all over him unnecessarily.

he has notified the solicitors last week but has heard nothing back and gets worried as he has been waiting for in depth details of the mention hearing outcome since Tuesday - today is Monday
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