ADA issue? Can they sue?

I will pass on link. To add yes there was an area one could be dropped off but how would they know this if not told?

Seriously? They would have to be TOLD that dropping off their disabled passenger was an option? Was this facility on the edge of a cliff? Or at the bottom of the ocean? That is just so absurd -- perhaps the driver shouldn't be allowed to drive at all if he/she is that lacking in common sense.
I have share this info and your questions/concerns. The family left out specifics to avoid problems while decisions were being made. I have spoken with them and can share some of this info.

. Park is in CA (Knotts Berry Farm to be exact)
. Park was contacted and asked if they had Handicap parking and answer was yes it was also explained that the person with handicap could not walk for very long without pain. this was brought up because there was also a concern over access to rides and lines. So yes they knew
. It was presumed that park like Disneyland and others had a tram or the like to take such person to gate.
. Yes they have a Wheel chair. If they had used it they would have had to push disabled person to gate inside park and to chair rental to get electric one then take chair back to car and come back. then do reverse to go home.
I have share this info and your questions/concerns. The family left out specifics to avoid problems while decisions were being made. I have spoken with them and can share some of this info.

. Park is in CA (Knotts Berry Farm to be exact)
. Park was contacted and asked if they had Handicap parking and answer was yes it was also explained that the person with handicap could not walk for very long without pain. this was brought up because there was also a concern over access to rides and lines. So yes they knew
. It was presumed that park like Disneyland and others had a tram or the like to take such person to gate.
. Yes they have a Wheel chair. If they had used it they would have had to push disabled person to gate inside park and to chair rental to get electric one then take chair back to car and come back. then do reverse to go home.

I am VERY familiar with Knotts (I'm a passholder). Knott's has a special drop-off point directly in front of the gate and you pass it on the way to the parking. Handicap parking is available, but a bit limited and hard to get a spot (unless you're lucky). There is not going to be an ADA violation here.
The "drop off" area was presumed to be for "drop offs" Like parents dropping off kids not to leave a handicap person while you go park.

That presumption is not a logical one. Why in the world would they think that a drop off that could be used for kids and elderly could not also be used for disabled persons? In any event, why wouldn't they ask if they were not sure?
California, it is said, allows such lawsuits and people are making a living looking for defendant businesses who are in violation of the law.

We have one in my town. He went around looking for any business missing a ramp, railing, or not a wide enough space. Was a big stink for awhile as it was obvious he wasn't even a customer of the business, just in search of violations.
That presumption is not a logical one. Why in the world would they think that a drop off that could be used for kids and elderly could not also be used for disabled persons? In any event, why wouldn't they ask if they were not sure?

Because "Handicap" parking is suppose to put the person close enough to destination. I checked there is NO SIGN other than one that reads drop off. If you have ever used a placard its a safe assumption that Handicap parking would be close to gate or (like other parks) there would be a transport to get persons to gate. So I an see why they did not use this option. It is also an issue of leaving the person alone or without assistance while car is parked. However I got what the family needed and pass it on what they do is up to them. Thank you all for your input
We have one in my town. He went around looking for any business missing a ramp, railing, or not a wide enough space. Was a big stink for awhile as it was obvious he wasn't even a customer of the business, just in search of violations.

Yes sir, Handel had that discussion a few weeks ago about handicap ramps and how much it costs small businesses, most of them never see one handicapped customer.
Because "Handicap" parking is suppose to put the person close enough to destination. I checked there is NO SIGN other than one that reads drop off. If you have ever used a placard its a safe assumption that Handicap parking would be close to gate or (like other parks) there would be a transport to get persons to gate. So I an see why they did not use this option. It is also an issue of leaving the person alone or without assistance while car is parked. However I got what the family needed and pass it on what they do is up to them. Thank you all for your input
Once they realized the distance to the disabled parking, they should have circled around to the drop-off point, dropped off the disabled person and THEN went to park.
Yes sir, Handel had that discussion a few weeks ago about handicap ramps and how much it costs small businesses, most of them never see one handicapped customer.

Well, one might argue that a big reason why those businesses never see a disabled customer in a wheelchair or other mobility device is because without a ramp or other access, those customers can't enter the business. ;)
Well, one might argue that a big reason why those businesses never see a disabled customer in a wheelchair or other mobility device is because without a ramp or other access, those customers can't enter the business. ;)

I was simply a fascinated listener, with no expertise or direct involvement in the issue.

One caller did claim that certain people are engaged to identify targets to assist a lawyer as he creates the lawsuits.

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