Sentencing, Plea Bargains Adjudication pending in criminal court


New Member
I am trying to figure out if adjudication pending could possibly indicate a person is a informant on a case that is unresolved although several years old. This person is a career criminal and a 2 striker. All his cases since 2011 have been dismissed or given only probation. 2011 is also the year of case im wondering of his role asan informant comes into play. He has had numerous arrest since 2011 regarding drugs/driving w/o a valid lic/violent offence/carjacking yet they are dismissed or probation only. Yet this 2011 case is adjudication pending and am wondering if it could be because it is waiting on results of a case he informed on that is not resolved yet. The unresolved case does not involve him but he was arrested 3 mos. prior to it which is when i think he informed on and resulted in the as yet unresolved case involving my brother. The two were good friends. Also why would this persons bail be confidential regarding a violent charge he recently and shockingly had brought down to taking a vehicle w/o permission?
There are dozens of possibilities here. We can guess all day long, but it would only be a guess. Understand that most drug-related offenses in CA DO result in probation, deferrals, or dismissed in the furtherance of justice (especially if multiple cases are bundled together and plea offers are agreed to). Most so-called "informants" are NOT given carte blanche to keep committing crimes, and an informant that keeps committing crimes - particularly thefts (crimes of moral turpitude) becomes less and less effective as an informant and witness.

Who is this person to you, and why do you think you need to know why this person has or has not faced any repercussions for alleged crimes?

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