Adjust Child support Tampa FL

Nicholas k Cox

New Member
I just got a divorce and the judge approved giving us 50/50 custody However the department of revenue is still changing me the same amount and now taking out health insurance. 700 for child support and 450 for health insurance and i only make 18 an hour. I literally cannot afford a lawyer and will probably lose my apartment if this keeps up Does anyone know wtf i can do to force this shit to be more fair?
Do you mean 50/50 LEGAL custody or 50/50 PHYSICAL custody?
Legal custody means you participate in making decisions about the child's life.
Physical custody means that the child lives in your house.
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Do you mean 50/50 LEGAL custody or 50/50 PHYSICAL custody?
Legal custody means you participate in making decisions about the child's life.
Physical custody means that the child lives in your house.
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The final judgement says
  • both parents are credited with 182.5 overnights
  • It doesn't say anything about legal or physical custody.
  • It just states that child support is relinquished to the jurisdiction of the department of revenue
It just states that child support is relinquished to the jurisdiction of the department of revenue

A lawyer probably can't do anything more than run the numbers through the state's child support calculator.

If you no longer live together with the mother of your child, you follow Florida child support guidelines.

Both parents must support their child/children through the Florida "Income Shares Model."

It means that courts will use Florida child support calculator to estimate the amount to be spent on the children for child care costs based on both parents' income.

You might wish to ask a lawyer to evaluate your decree and other documents to make sure the mother is paying a share of child support equal to yours.

Most lawyers offer free consultations to evaluate your case.

Florida Child Support Calculator [100% Accurate ]

Calculate Child Support Payments in Florida  
A lawyer probably can't do anything more than run the numbers through the state's child support calculator.

If you no longer live together with the mother of your child, you follow Florida child support guidelines.

Both parents must support their child/children through the Florida "Income Shares Model."

It means that courts will use Florida child support calculator to estimate the amount to be spent on the children for child care costs based on both parents' income.

You might wish to ask a lawyer to evaluate your decree and other documents to make sure the mother is paying a share of child support equal to yours.

Most lawyers offer free consultations to evaluate your case.

Florida Child Support Calculator [100% Accurate ]

Calculate Child Support Payments in Florida

Make sure she is paying her fair share?
From what i understood florida has this thing that in 50/50 custody the higher paid parent pays to the other.
The other thing that is jacking it so high is this day care crap
Is there a way to address that the day care is in an unfair location and that the mother is not looking into more fair priced and fair location options post judgement?
Make sure she is paying her fair share?
From what i understood florida has this thing that in 50/50 custody the higher paid parent pays to the other.
The other thing that is jacking it so high is this day care crap
Is there a way to address that the day care is in an unfair location and that the mother is not looking into more fair priced and fair location options post judgement?

"Daycare crap." ? Well it's not crap - it's a necessity for a single parent. My daughter's old daycare was a 30 min drive one way and yes, there were daycares on base but this one was a daycare specifically for special needs kids. My daughter has special needs. I was paying $200 a week after a waiver. My ex husband has yet to pay for the 3 years she was at that daycare his half. But if he would have bitched about it and called it "unfair" I'd probably have told him to f* off.

I don't know anything about your child(ren) but there's probably a good reason she's using that daycare. It's not about how affordable it is to you, it's about what's best for the kid(s).

Go find a lawyer who does free consultations and have them look over your paperwork and see if there's anything amiss. But I find it hard to believe it says nothing about shared custody or anything about custody. My decree says I have sole legal and physical custody. If it were to have been shared, then it would have said that. You may have missed that.
"Daycare crap." ? Well it's not crap - it's a necessity for a single parent. My daughter's old daycare was a 30 min drive one way and yes, there were daycares on base but this one was a daycare specifically for special needs kids. My daughter has special needs. I was paying $200 a week after a waiver. My ex husband has yet to pay for the 3 years she was at that daycare his half. But if he would have bitched about it and called it "unfair" I'd probably have told him to f* off.

I don't know anything about your child(ren) but there's probably a good reason she's using that daycare. It's not about how affordable it is to you, it's about what's best for the kid(s).

Go find a lawyer who does free consultations and have them look over your paperwork and see if there's anything amiss. But I find it hard to believe it says nothing about shared custody or anything about custody. My decree says I have sole legal and physical custody. If it were to have been shared, then it would have said that. You may have missed that.
There is a day care that will take them free in a fair distance between us and she is too busy drinking to get them moved
They put the kids there just as a cheap shot. My ex didnt even have a job when they were put there. They put them there the same week i said there is no child support in a 50/50 custody agreement (i spoke before I understood florida law)
There is a day care that will take them free in a fair distance between us and she is too busy drinking to get them moved
They put the kids there just as a cheap shot. My ex didnt even have a job when they were put there. They put them there the same week i said there is no child support in a 50/50 custody agreement (i spoke before I understood florida law)

There's no daycare that takes on clients for free. Ever. Anywhere. How would they operate if they didn't make any money?

You need to have a lawyer look over your decree and explain it to you because you sound like you have no clue what you are talking about. Have a great day.
There's no daycare that takes on clients for free. Ever. Anywhere. How would they operate if they didn't make any money?

You need to have a lawyer look over your decree and explain it to you because you sound like you have no clue what you are talking about. Have a great day.
I got the word from the early learning center
If you are below a certain income they take them free. As early as 6 weeks
And they probably have state funding

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