Adjusting Child Support

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My 19 year old daughter still lives with her custodial father mainly who has been receiving child support from me for about 3 years. A year ago I was in a much stable job - haha (with raises in the future) until I got downsized. For the past 10 months I've struggled finding work with 4 months collecting unemployment. Now working contract but not making near what I was making before my downsize. I'm sure that my ex has received increases, (he makes 90,000, I make 32,000) etc. (while working for his Fortune 100 company). He won't divulge his income to me to see if an adjustment needs to be made. Question: If I can't afford an attorney to inquire about this, how do I go about finding out this information and having the courts possibly make an adjustment?

The underlying problem is that I can't afford to pay what I'm currently paying and when he doesn't get his money on time, he tells me that he's talked to the clerk's office and they will put pressure on me if he wants them to. It's mainly a power thing for him because he doesn't need the money.

I would go to the local family court, and ask for an adjustment. Typically the amount paid is 17% of your income, therefore if your income has decreased, so should your payments.
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