Administrative Leave with pay. Is this right?

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My husband is a sales supervisor for a health organization. He was recently asked to provide a quote for a new group and gave the approval to do so. His manager received two different copies of the email history for this group. One had one sentence in my husbands email that appeared on one email history and not the other. There is something shady going on with this group because the Sales Exec (who is conveniently on maternity leave) sent emails to the broker that state that they will need to "think outside the box" for this group and in the future to just email her and not to cc anyone else on the email. She is clearly the person who is in the wrong and the broker forwarded all emails between the Sales Exec and the broker showing proof.

Well at this point management is trying to put this on my husband and his immediate manager and director pulled him into the office last week asking him to tell them whatever he knew. He gave them all of this information and was not sure why the one sentence was left out of his reply to one of the emails. The sentence is "Please provide a quote and under contingency that the group meets all company standards" The part in bold was the part that was left out in one of the emails. So regardless of that sentence being left out or not the sales exec who also works for the organization knows that a quote is not set in stone. The group must send in legitimate documentation. So they asked my husband to give them all the information that he knew and the director also mentioned that this was grounds for termination. The director also mentioned that all parties will be questioned. My husband had no reason to lie for he is a supervisor and does not receive commission as the sales exec, broker, and sales associate do. He came back to work the following day and his manager now asked him to come to his office. He again asked my husband to tell him his side of the story again. My husband asked for him to take notes this time since he knew the same information that he had already provided to them the day before. At the end of saying all that he knew the manager gave him a paper "Administrative Leave with Pay" until the investigation was completed and asked him to sign it. He refused to sign it and went immediately to HR. HR proceeded to tell him that he did not have to sign the paper but to do as his manager told him. So he went back to the manager and told him I am not signing this but I will go home and wait for HR to contact me. The following day he received a phone call from his manager telling him that he would be off for a couple of days and that he would need to wait until HR contacted him. (This was the exact information that was already written on the letter) He told him that he was aware of that and he would wait at home. (This is getting very weird at this point because they are continuing to directly contact him and still no contact from HR.) Today he is on day 3 of Administrative Leave and he was called by his manager yesterday asking him to come in to talk. My husband (covering his butt now) asked that there be a HR representative there when he came in. He also spoke to the HR rep yesterday and asked her to be the only one to contact him in the future and if they come to a decision it would not be correct for HR never asked my husband for his side of the story. They HR lady said that she was busy but would be there. He came into work today and his manager again was there alone and brought him in so that he could ask him for the 3rd time what his side of the story was. He said nobody is going to get fired for this and to tell him everything. My husband again said that the story had not changed. He has also been in contact with the Sales Associate for this group and even though they assured him that all parties involved would be questioned he has still not been asked one question about it. I believe that they are now harassing him at this point and I told my husband not to talk to them one more time with out a neutral party being there because they obviously are trying to get him fired and they have ALL the proof that he is not the person who was wrong.

Please HELP! What do we need to do at this point to cover our butts? Should we get a lawyer? We would appreciate any advise!

Thanks again,

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