Adoption law


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My sister had her son. Cps was involved the day she delivered the baby. Why? I don't know. However, Cps has placed the baby with me. It has been 18 months that I have been the guardian for my nephew. Cps have offered family services such as parenting classes, etc. My sister has done NOTHING. She doesn't visit the baby nor does she call. Cps has now closed the case, leaving me the guardian of my nephew. The only document that I have is power of attorney. There is a family that would like to adopt my nephew, how do we go about doing this, without it costing so much.

Thank You!
My sister had her son. Cps was involved the day she delivered the baby. Why? I don't know. However, Cps has placed the baby with me. It has been 18 months that I have been the guardian for my nephew. Cps have offered family services such as parenting classes, etc. My sister has done NOTHING. She doesn't visit the baby nor does she call. Cps has now closed the case, leaving me the guardian of my nephew. The only document that I have is power of attorney. There is a family that would like to adopt my nephew, how do we go about doing this, without it costing so much.

Thank You!

If money for a lawyer is going to be a problem, you might want to discuss your needs, options, and ideas with a CPS supervisor or manager.
So CPS handed you your sister's baby and you have absolutely no idea why? If you weren't interested in raising the child, why did you take the baby initially? How did this couple come to express interest in adopting the child? Couples do not routinely walk up to strangers and ask to adopt the kid in their arms.

Have your sister's parental rights been terminated? If not, what does sis think about these people adopting her son? Have you even talked to your sister about the long term plan? Start there. If this couple wants to adopt they will need to go through the courts to do so. It is not cheap.

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