Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Advice needed on pressing fraud and other charges


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  • 1.5 years ago ex-gf and I broke up, before that; I supported her with living and graduate school expense of approximately $20k in total. I have email proof of her acknowledging the debt and agreeing to repay me at a later date. Around that time I also relocated to overseas.
  • Considering her financial situation, I did not press her to return her debt, and gave her 1.5 years before recently asking her about possible repayment.
  • Her attitude did a 180 and she told me that she will not be repaying me anything as she is not obligated to do so.
  • Sensing something was wrong, I logged into my financial accounts (trade and checking), only to find out she transferred $8k out of my trading account to my bank account, and then transferred the same amount via wire transfer and quick pay to her own account. All this was performed without my knowledge, and she probably guessed my bank account password based on combining some personal information she knows about me.
  • Additionally, she changed my bank account communication preference information to her own, which allowed her to circumvent authorization by me (confirmed this activity with my financial institutions).
I relocated overseas in Oct 2015. The unauthorized transactions were performed December 2016. I have currently informed both my trading and checking institutions about her unauthorized activities and have since reset / changed my account information.


Respectful communications with both her and her parents have first resulted in denial, as well as personal attacks towards me. It is unfortunate that I have decided to pursue legal action against her. I no longer have hope to resolve this in a manner to recover my losses, so my question is: what types of charges can I file against her besides financial fraud?
Contact the place she did this with. Explain it was fraud and wasn't done by you. Then contact your local police dept explaining this as well. Filed charges against her.
  • 1.5 years ago ex-gf and I broke up, before that; I supported her with living and graduate school expense of approximately $20k in total. I have email proof of her acknowledging the debt and agreeing to repay me at a later date. Around that time I also relocated to overseas.
  • Considering her financial situation, I did not press her to return her debt, and gave her 1.5 years before recently asking her about possible repayment.
  • Her attitude did a 180 and she told me that she will not be repaying me anything as she is not obligated to do so.
  • Sensing something was wrong, I logged into my financial accounts (trade and checking), only to find out she transferred $8k out of my trading account to my bank account, and then transferred the same amount via wire transfer and quick pay to her own account. All this was performed without my knowledge, and she probably guessed my bank account password based on combining some personal information she knows about me.
  • Additionally, she changed my bank account communication preference information to her own, which allowed her to circumvent authorization by me (confirmed this activity with my financial institutions).
I relocated overseas in Oct 2015. The unauthorized transactions were performed December 2016. I have currently informed both my trading and checking institutions about her unauthorized activities and have since reset / changed my account information.


Respectful communications with both her and her parents have first resulted in denial, as well as personal attacks towards me. It is unfortunate that I have decided to pursue legal action against her. I no longer have hope to resolve this in a manner to recover my losses, so my question is: what types of charges can I file against her besides financial fraud?

I suggest you contact the United States Secret Service, FBI, or the SEC for starters.
They often address these types of crimes.
If the USSS isn't the right agency, they'll direct you appropriately.

Good luck.

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Local law enforcement where the transaction occurred would be the appropriate place to start after notifying the bank of fraudulent transactions. The bank should initiate its own investigation and likely require you to make a police report. If you are out of country you can make a report by phone to law enforcement.
You may choose to sue in civil court for the amount she has taken, however the decision to pursue criminal charges is made by the local prosecutor once police finish investigating.

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