Advise on WC

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I was wanting some advise on if I need a lawyer and when should I get them involved?

I got hurt last January on the job. I was moving a bed and hurt my back called my work and they sent me to the doctor and called wc. They picked up the bills and meds. The doctor took x-rays and said there was nothing wrong just had a lumbar strain I asked to go see a othapedic doctor. When I got to the ortopetic doctor he move my legs around and hit them with his little hammer. He agreed that it was a lumbar strain and all I needed to do is physical theropy. So I did the physical theropy and then when they released me to light duty my work wanted to cut my pay so I quit to find a new job that did not have hard labor and paid more.
So I started a job answering phones at a call center but the pain contiued so I went to a chropractior to get massages because they said it was musle paid so I paid for it out of my own pocket and did not contact the WC. It did not help so my friend asked me to go see his dad who is a genral doctor. I seen him and he moved my legs around and said yes there is defanately something wrong and I needed to get checked out. So I called the WC and asked them if they could have me checked out again they asked why I did not call them for 6 months I advised them that I was able to deal with the pain and the doctors said it would go away well it did not and has got worse. She said ok and set me a appontment for the orthopetic. I went to see him again and he moved my legs and said yep we need a MRI . So I went a got a MRI last week and I have a ruptured disk in my back so when I went to doctor today he said I can have surgery or do theropy. The agent that goes to all my workmans comp was asking questions about the six months I did not talk to them. I advised them that I had been to the chropractior and the genral doctor in that time period to see if there was anything they could do for the soreness.
Yes, the WC insurance carrier certainly will have lots of questions when someone claims a back injury, receives treatment, and then doesn't inform them for the next six months that they're continuing to have pain and medical problems. Frankly, they're automatically going to suspect that you had a second and separate injury after you quit your last job and are now trying to get them to pay for it. Whether they will prove to be liable for your current back problems is going to depend considerably upon the medical information sent to them by your current treating physician(s).

You're free to consult with a WC attorney any time you wish.
they have set all my appointments for me and paid for all medications and they are sending me to a back surgen next week. So they are taking care of me like there is no problem so should I still get a lawyer?

Yes I would get one fast, just because they have paid the small bills up to this point doesn't mean that when surgery is done and it comes time to pay the bills they might be left for you. Documentation now that they have been paying the bills would possible assume that they are admitting responsibility for your injury. Don't leave it up in the air, find an attorney get the documentation going incase you need it in the future. Unless you keep incredible good notes, time, dates, phone calls, all that has been said about your case you don't have any facts to support your claim, they pay people to keep all your information about your case and when it is presented to you at a deposition or in WC court and your case is not solid you are not going to sitting in a very good position. As far as the 6 months you might check your state laws but in my state my case is open for 2 years and anytime I go to the doctor in that 2 year time period starts the 2 years over again until I am completly recovered or reach a settlement.

Good Luck
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