Age Discrimination

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Heres the story: a middle-aged man applies for a job and has 15 plus years experience in the field {willing to take lower pay} because economy is so bad. {had lost job due to total economic factors, with that one boss giving good references}

They hire someone right out of college with no real world job experience ....and tell the applicant, "We have had hundreds of applicants all across a wide state area"

Wouldnt this be definied as MAJOR age discrimination?
Not necessarily.

Many companies will not hire someone who is overqualified for a position on the basis that they will likely be bored in six months. (As one who has been underemployed for a long time, I am very sympathetic to this position.)

The best candidate for the position is not always the one who has the most qualifications. It's not age discrimination just because they aren't looking for someone with 15 years on the job.
Age discrimination? Possibly but near impossible to prove and not realistic to jump to conclusions. If there were many job applicants then it could be a number of reasons he did not get the job. There is no reason to assumt age discrimination.
They can hire whomever they want nowdays.
They hire the college kid because they can get them for lower salary, even tho you said you would work for a lower salary. Its maddening!

consider yourself "over-qualified" instead of "old"

Me? instead of my company weeding out the older people and letting ME go,(which they are notorious for doing) I'm taking classes part time in a totally different field so I can re-market myself with a new skill set.

This is just my opinion. Keep looking, your experience, age and work ethic will prove invaluable to an employer.
I believe it's age discrimination because this is happening at my husband's company...he's been there ten years...they're weeding out the older employers who are making more money and bringing in younger people who will work for $10,000 less per year with less experience. But the employer can basically make up any excuse to "validate" the "firing" or letting the poor people go. Especially if you live in an at-will state, from my understanding.
If they are being weeded out BECAUSE they are over 40, that's illegal.

If they are being weeded out because they are the highest paid employees, it's not.
If you are not being hired because they are over 40 that to is illegal.
It may be illegal but I dont think it can be proven...all the employer has to say is "We didn't feel that person was qualified enough." This happens all over the place....It's pretty sad.
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