Age of Majority Extension due to mental illness

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My oldest son just turned 18 and due to graduate HS next month. He has BiPolar Disorder and is well managed with medication. I need to have his Age of Majority extended until he can become self sufficient. As with any mental illness we take things one season at a time and though he appears well - emotionally he is behind his peer group and he can not tolerate high amounts of stress. Presently my other three children are living with my ex. I know that my ex is waiting with baited breath to get more CS out of me as soon as my oldest graduates from HS next month.

I am sure that he can be marketable and be self sufficient but he needs extra guidance and help. I know my ex will not pay a cent toward his college education and right now I don't have the energy to fight for that. I just want my son to become a successful, contributing member of society.

Any insight would be appreciated.

What does the original judgment say about the support of a mentally incompetent child?

Has the child been declared incompetent by a court of law?
My son was diagnosed with BiPolar disorder three years after the divorce decree was written. We have never had him declared incompetent since he was a minor.
Then, I suspect, that at the time he becomes an adult, you won't be getting child support.

However, if you want to hire a lawyer and try to modify the original judgment in the lawsuit, you could try that.
I am not trying to get CS because since my ex has my other three kids I am paying CS. What I am hoping is to be able to pay for my son to go to college and be self sufficient. I won't be able to do that if my ex drags me into court the day after our oldest graduates from HS to increase my CS payments.
I am not asking for CS. I am paying CS because my ex has my other three kids. What I want is to pay for my son's college education so he can learn to be self sufficient and I will not be able to do that if my ex drags me to court the day after our oldest graduates from HS to increase my CS payment.
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