Assault & Battery Aggravated Assault


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I was charge aggravated assault in year 2000 Shoot/throw into Vehicle & Aggraveted Assault. No one hurt, I was working in a convenice store and person start talking rubbish with lady customer at shop, I request a male customer behave and start using F.... you etc, I asked him leave premisses, he was so mad and through some thing from outside on glass window for my safety I carry my pistol and went out to see at the time he was running away from parking lot I mistakenly without any intention fire which hit his car tyre. After a year a left US without appear in court for trial. Now I hire a attorney to fight my 17 yrs old case and I can return to US on my immigrant visa petition which hopefully will become current in a year. My attorney trying to solve this case without my presence and he asked apply for US Visa and he need to show my refused visa to state attorney office. I would really appreciate it if you could kindly guide me with your professional advice on this matter.
I mistakenly without any intention fire which hit his car tyre.

That was far from an unintentional act - it was VERY intentional.

I suppose the gun wasn't even legally possessed since you apparently were in this country on a visa. I'm sure you're charged with other things as well. Plus you fled the country to avoid your trial and criminal prosecution. Yet you are fantasizing that you will get a visa issued to you?

You need to SHUT UP and let your attorney deal with this. I don't see how you can avoid a personal appearance in court, but your attorney knows best.
I had no intent to kill him, state didn't charge me intent to kill.

These days you can forget being allowed to enter the US legally.

You are an absconder.
You absconded, fleeing from a felony charge.
Stay where you are in Pakstan.
If you return to the US you'll end up in jail, eventually prison, only to be deported back to Pakistan AFTER serving your sentence.
That was far from an unintentional act - it was VERY intentional.

I suppose the gun wasn't even legally possessed since you apparently were in this country on a visa. I'm sure you're charged with other things as well. Plus you fled the country to avoid your trial and criminal prosecution. Yet you are fantasizing that you will get a visa issued to you?

You need to SHUT UP and let your attorney deal with this. I don't see how you can avoid a personal appearance in court, but your attorney knows best.
Gun was legally under my name and I was permanent resident of US.
I've seen people change their name by simply going from John Jones to Billy Kidd.

Once they take those fingerprints & that DNA, them digits gonna give you up.

Add in facial recognition, this is no longer the 19th century.
I escape from jail on Monday in Silverville, next week I'm in Wet Springs, new name, new life.

No one runs from the man forever in this new millennium, 21st century.
I've seen people change their name by simply going from John Jones to Billy Kidd.

Once they take those fingerprints & that DNA, them digits gonna give you up.

Add in facial recognition, this is no longer the 19th century.
I escape from jail on Monday in Silverville, next week I'm in Wet Springs, new name, new life.

No one runs from the man forever in this new millennium, 21st century.
I'm not running anywhere, I appoint a good attorney let's hope he do his best.
Didn't revoked, it's expired because I didn't return. Now my spouse immigrant petition in a year hopefully become current.
No,Sir,you should not hope for anything,and you shouldn't want to return to this Country either.
As far as your "intent," when you fired the gun at the guy who was fleeing from the store,whether it was to frighten or actually maim or kill him,it is still "Aggravated Assault,"because that offence involves the use of a deadly weapon,and one that you fired at another person.
Aggravated assault is an assault with a deadly weapon or with the intent to commit a felony. Assault does not require an intent to injure, only the intent to cause the victim fear of an immediate attack. For example, pointing a handgun at another person to scare him or her is considered aggravated assault.

(Fla. Stat. § 784.021).Florida Aggravated Assault and Battery Laws
My advice to you,is leave well enough alone,and stay where you are in Pakistan,unless you want a new home in one of Florida's lovely prison hotels.
I was robbed twice at work on gun point while I was in US that's the reason I carry weapon.
Be that,as it may,you can't justify what you did in this situation.The guy at the store was acting like a real A-Hole,and disrespectful to a female customer.Your response should have been to call the police,and let them handle it.
You had options,such as getting his tag number when he left the store,and calling police,instead you chose to commit a violent crime with your gun.From your account of events,it doesn't appear that no one's safety was at risk,so there was no excuse for what you did.
No,Sir,you should not hope for anything,and you shouldn't want to return to this Country either.
As far as your "intent," when you fired the gun at the guy who was fleeing from the store,whether it was to frighten or actually maim or kill him,it is still "Aggravated Assault,"because that offence involves the use of a deadly weapon,and one that you fired at another person.
Aggravated assault is an assault with a deadly weapon or with the intent to commit a felony. Assault does not require an intent to injure, only the intent to cause the victim fear of an immediate attack. For example, pointing a handgun at another person to scare him or her is considered aggravated assault.

(Fla. Stat. § 784.021).Florida Aggravated Assault and Battery Laws
My advice to you,is leave well enough alone,and stay where you are in Pakistan,unless you want a new home in one of Florida's lovely prison hotels.
Thanks for your advice, let's see what my attorney will do without my presence he will plea to State Attorney to drop felony charges to misdemeanour

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