AI "robot" lawyer will represent defendant in a US courtroom in February.

There's one thing that AI could replace. Politicians.

You'd rather have our laws made by a machine than people? You are mighty trusting of that technology. I think humans know better what laws they want to have governing them, as we do in a democratic republic, than be subject to AI dictatorship.
You'd rather have our laws made by a machine than people? You are mighty trusting of that technology. I think humans know better what laws they want to have governing them, as we do in a democratic republic, than be subject to AI dictatorship.

Wow TC, with all of your talk about an AI not being able to deal with emotion one would think you would notice a joke when it was pretty clear.

And here's another. Are we really sure our politicians are human?
There are many that give lizard people a bad name.

Lizard people: the greatest political conspiracy ever created
What is a lizard person?
It's just what it sounds like.

Lizard people are cold-blooded humanoid reptilians who have the power to shape-shift into human form. According to David Icke, a new-age philosopher and one of the most prominent theorists in the lizard people game, these creatures have had their claws in humankind since ancient time, and world leaders like Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, the Clintons, and Bob Hope are all lizard people.

"Encroaching on other conspiracy theorists' territory, Icke even claims that the lizards are behind secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati," Time reported.

How do those who believe in lizard people know when someone is a lizard person?
There are many differing theories. If you look at the forums on Icke's site, there are numerous posts either telling people how to spot lizard people or asking how to pick a lizard person out from the crowd.

Bump, one of the top lizard person journalists in the field, made a handy guide last year that culled lizard-person identifiers. Here's the list of lizard person tells:

Green eyes
Good eyesight or hearing
Having red hair
A sense of not belonging to the human race
Unexplained scars on the body
Love of space
Low blood pressure
A brief survey on Icke's forums also point out physical features like having a smile where bottom teeth show, eyes that change size, or eyes with abnormally-sized pupils as potential lizard-person tells.

But, there's also the theory that these physical attributes mean nothing. "Ufochick," an avid contributor to the boards, explained that what makes lizard people lizard people is something that you can't see.

"It's about the soul inhabiting the body, not the physical body," ufochick reminds us all.

What do lizard people want?
World domination.

Where do lizard people come from?
Aside from people's paranoia, lizard people are thought to primarily come from the constellation Draco, though there are some theories that reptoids come from other systems like Sirius and Orion too. Basically, they're aliens.

Draco, is of course, the constellation that is allegedly shaped like a dragon or, if you go with its Latin name Draconem, it means "huge serpent." It's the eighth largest constellation. Reptoids from Draco are thought to be very tall and have retractable wings, reported.

Icke's believers say that lizard people have been visiting Earth since ancient times and breeding with humans, which results in more lizard people and more humans with the potential to be lizard people.

Which famous celebrities are allegedly lizard people?
Alleged lizard people are almost always A-listers. And the list of alleged lizard people includes Barack Obama, Donald Rumsfeld (showing that lizard people transcend party lines), Madonna, Katy Perry, Bill Clinton, and Angelina Jolie among others.

Brief Overview of our Reptilian Overlords

Brief Overview of our Reptilian Overlords
February 21, 2012 9:39 AM Subscribe
Barack Obama has had an alien lizard implanted in the back of his head, with your tax dollars. You might think this sounds like some big pile of conspiracy tinfoil hat crap. Please read on and consider all the evidence before you jump to conclusions.

But that is just one person's opinion, you are saying! Even with the filters and closeups why should we take the word of random youtube poster? Well how about 100 random youtube posters - that's two magnitudes (i.e., 1000 times) of greater believability[1], and that means one thing: credibility and the power of science.

Q: Why would the lizard people just focus on this one guy?

A: But see that's just it, they haven't! Here is the detailed evidence for the following celebrities and world leaders who are confirmed[5] positive reptilians:
Donald Rumsfeld
George W Bush and Queen Elizabeth the Second
William ("Bill") Clinton
important international pop star Madonna
our own Queen of Hearts, Britney Spears
"The People's Pope", Benedict XVI Ratzinger of Rome
Angelina Jolie == obvious cracks in her human 'skull mask'
Katy Perry (even youth up and coming are in the conspiracy)
Hillary Clinton
And that's just the literal tip o' the old iceberg, as they say. If you think you are ready here is the full list of documented reptilians.

Brief Overview of our Reptilian Overlords