AIRFORCE & Child support...

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I am about 7 month pregnant...and the father is in the air force reserves. He says he does not want to be in the picture, and there is nothing the law can do about it because he will active duty in a couple of months right around the time the baby is born. I don't know what to do because i'm told that nothing can be done until the baby gets here, but then by that time he might be gone, and there is no way to file anything while he is overseas. I can't hire a private investigator to see if he is telling the truth about really being deployed or he just doesn't want to pay the child support. I don't know what base he is at to contact his commander before he gets shipped off and I'm afraid I cannot do all of this by myself financially because my family doesn't support my decision to keep this baby. What actions can I take before the baby gets here that will help me get child support because all i keep getting told by the child support people are that there is nothing that can be done until the baby gets here. I am not looking to take all of his money, i just want him to take financial responsibility for his part in all of this and want some kind of hope in my situation.
Until you have the baby and paternity is established there is nothing you can do.

So the reality is, you have to support this baby on your own until you get child support figured out. You can file for it when the baby is born by going to your states child support website. Keep in mind there is NO guarantee you can get him to pay and it will be several months at the minimum before any $$ comes in if you get it at all.

I hope you have a job or will get one because it is unrealistic that $$ is just going to start rolling in when the baby is born. Not what you want to hear but that is the reality of it. If you have no family support, find a support system as you will need it when the baby comes.
I have a job, and i'm saving up so that me and the baby can have somewhere to stay a little place of our own. And i understand that life is unfair with the whole waiting process, its just that this is my first child, and i never pictured my situation being this hard. And he has it really easy, he just gets to walk away. I just wanted to know what could be done for my child because I want to provide for him as a single parent, I just don't know how to go about it legally. Thanks for the response :)
I have a job, and i'm saving up so that me and the baby can have somewhere to stay a little place of our own. And i understand that life is unfair with the whole waiting process, its just that this is my first child, and i never pictured my situation being this hard. And he has it really easy, he just gets to walk away. I just wanted to know what could be done for my child because I want to provide for him as a single parent, I just don't know how to go about it legally. Thanks for the response :)

The military has his DNA on file.

You can get DNA from your baby prior to birth.

You can also get your own DNA.

Prove him to be the biological father, and the military will make sure he pays.

Bottom line, you don't have to wait until the baby is born.

His command will order him to submit to paternity testing, if you request it of them.

If he's that father, he'll be made to pay.

But, that said, don't expect much support, unless he's a very high ranking individual.

The baby is also entitled to a military ID card, as are you!

The baby will receive military supplied health care.

You are entitled to military services for the birth of the child, if you ask his command.

Get busy asking, you don't have to wait.

You can also speak with the on-base JAG officers for some guidance about benefits due you and the baby.
You cannot legally establish paternity in most states before the birth. He is going to have to take a court ordered DNA test and this should NOT be done while you are pregnant as they have to take a sample of your amnio and that is risky. You would be foolish to do this just so you can squeeze some $$ out of him. Wait until the baby is born then you file for child support. Even then no court is going to set up child support when a child is not born yet. What is the mad rush here?
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