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I was divorced in NYS about 4 years ago and was to pay alimony. I now live in Texas and am financially unable to pay the alimony. How do I go about getting this order stopped?
Texan_1 said:
I was divorced in NYS about 4 years ago and was to pay alimony. I now live in Texas and am financially unable to pay the alimony. How do I go about getting this order stopped?

I doubt that you'll be able to stop the payments retroactively unpaid.

You might, however, be able to get the payments reduced or stopped.
To do that, you'll have to go back to the court in NY that granted you the divorce.

A Texas court is unable to help you.

How old are you?
Are you retired or disabled?

In Texas, pension and disability payments are safe from levies.

You might want to speak with a Texas attorney for specific advice.
Im 50, I have a Lawyers appt here in Texas on Friday so we`ll see if he can offer any help. How would you get them stopped as you mentioned?
Texan_1 said:
No Texas court could help?

See what the lawyer has to say.
I'm not privy to the things you will discuss.
I hope you get some relief.

When I say a Texas court can't help, I'm speaking about your divorce. There are remedies about the debt that you can use in Texas.

A Texas court can't undo your New York divorce. It can't lessen or lower your alimony payments.
Texan_1 said:
I go tommorrow so we`ll see what he has to say. Theres got to be some way to get help here?

Are you employed?
If you are, it'll be very hard for her to levy against your Texas wages.

Are you on a pension or a disability?
If you are, good news fir you. Your pension it disability is almost judgment proof in Texas.

Is she trying to sue you?

How much alimony are you to pay a month?
For how long?
Are you behind in your payments?
Why did you agree to this robbery?
Did you have a lawyer?
I`ll try answer these in order you asked them...
Yes I am employed...Shes trying to have me charged with Contempt of court for failure to pay...not on any pension nor disabled...amount was to be $70.00/week for 8 years...yes im to why I agreed?,my attorney told me that was what I had to do and I had no choice...yes I had a lawyer... How hard is it for her to get my wages garnisheed?....can I be arrested here for now paying?...Does Texas actually care????
Texan_1 said:
I`ll try answer these in order you asked them...
Yes I am employed...Shes trying to have me charged with Contempt of court for failure to pay...not on any pension nor disabled...amount was to be $70.00/week for 8 years...yes im to why I agreed?,my attorney told me that was what I had to do and I had no choice...yes I had a lawyer... How hard is it for her to get my wages garnisheed?....can I be arrested here for now paying?...Does Texas actually care????

Texas doesn't care, but will help NY enforce their judgment.

Yes, your wages could be levied against for alimony payments. But, that isn't easy to do. It'll be harder from afar. The court is far more interested in child support than spousal support. She will spend money to get money.

What would it take to pay your arrearage? You only had to pay $70/week. That's only $3,500 a year. For eight years, you'd owe less than $29,000.

I'd work with my attorney to arrange a lump sum settlement. Say you had four years left to pay. You could offer her $8,000 today as full and final settlement. (With the court's approval of course.)

I suspect you've since learned you should have fought alimony. It's an antiquated concept. Child support is necessary and somewhat fair. Alimony screws someone to aid someone else.
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