All your genes are belong to us.

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New Member
How can a company have a patent on genes in my body? As I understand it, with the current patent frenzy on human genes, I would no longer have the ability to, say, donate one of my genes for research if some company "owns" a patent for that gene. Another implication might be that fees would need to be paid to conduct diagnostic medical tests on patented genes.

Isn't the idea that you are becoming a mere container for "parts" patented by some corporate entity creepy?

I also don't understand what even justifies a patent on naturally and freely occurring genes, be they human or not. It seems to me that patents were intended to protect invention, not mere discovery. What if some scientist were to discover something like a new essential vitamin in green leafy vegetables? Would he be allowed to patent that discovery, then extract a fee from every one who produces green leafy vegetables? If not, how is that case different from genes?

I think there are huge issues developing in this whole area and we all better start paying attention or the outcomes will be determined by greed and power.
Are you saying that a company can have a patent on the genes themselves or the process to uncover genes? How can anybody own a gene? It would be like someone owning the rights to an oak tree wouldn't it? :eek: :confused:
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