Altered doctors note to return to work

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So roughly 6 months ago I dislocated my shoulder not at work. I has popped out once a month since then, and it now so damaged I require surgery. Unfortunately the waiting list is huge and I'm not booked in to see the surgeon until September. So I made the decision to go back up north and try my luck anyways, because I (much like everyone else) have bills to pay, and can't afford to live on a bus boy salary (my job while waiting for my shoulder to heal). Long story short I had a note from the doctor stating that I was I fact injured (a note I had acquired a few months back). It had his signature at the bottom. I edited the note to say that I was fit to return to work in 2 weeks. I then used this note to get a job out of town. I was there for a week when I reinsured my shoulder. I am currently working on light duties in the office downtown.

My Question is if they find out that I edited the doctors note what sort of legal trouble could I be looking at? WCB isn't paying for anything I believe since it was a prior injury. Obviously I could be terminated I'm just wondering what legal lines I've crossed. It's not like I'm trying to milk the system and get free money, I was between a rock and a hard place. I've been welding since I got out of high school,
I have no other experience, it was either work or get evicted.
You might want to speak with a local solicitor. Altering a note from a physician is a felony in many jurisdictions.
You definitely can be terminated. You might talk to a solicitor as suggested to see what other trouble you "might" have due to doing this.
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