Alternative to sibling required signature for monies incoming post-death


New Member
New York

Both parents deceased. 3.5 years.

1 parent former attorney.
Monies incoming from another attorneys office whom took over a case that attorney parent had worked on previously.
For unknown reason, power of attorney can NOT receive all monies from other attorney's office, rather all children inherit it equally, requiring 4 signatures in order for anyone to receive monies.

1 delusional child will not sign -feels great amounts of money were stolen from her (overall from estate).

Without all signatures, no one can get any money.

Question: How receive monies without all signatures? Holdout has no money to hire attorney.

Question: How receive monies without all signatures?
I doubt there is a legal way or tactic one could use if FOUR are required to sign.

The holdout is holding the other three at bay.

Evidently she/he is fully within her/his rights to do so.

If the three VICTIMS agree to give 20% of their cut to the holdout, she/he might sign the document,, allowing it to be signed off by all.

The holdout MIGHT be enticed to sign,, if she/he gets extra moola.

As long as the holdout keeps holding out, no one will receive a nickel.
Question: How receive monies without all signatures? Holdout has no money to hire attorney.

Ask a probate attorney in the state where that parent's estate was probated about the possibility of creating a bank account or trust in the name of the hold out to receive and hold the hold out's cut until he or she finally decides to take his/her share.
Both parents deceased. 3.5 years.

Simultaneous death?

1 parent former attorney.

Huh? Verbs are important.

How receive monies without all signatures?

I don't know if your manner of writing is because English isn't your first language or because you're trying to be brief. However, unless you can better explain what's going on, the only thing anyone can really tell you intelligently is that someone needs to start probate (which, in NY, is called surrogacy) for one or both parents' estates. If probate has already been started, then the executor(s)/administrator(s) of the estates should be consulting with his/her/their attorney(s) for advice. If probate for both estates is closed, then one or both estates may need to be re-opened.
Ask a probate attorney in the state where that parent's estate was probated about the possibility of creating a bank account or trust in the name of the hold out to receive and hold the hold out's cut until he or she finally decides to take his/her share.
Even if the holdout doesn't sign?
$3250 each, actually.

Not enough to be worth getting lawyers involved.

How much of the $13000 does the hold out want?

Has she stated a figure?

Or is she just being spiteful so nobody gets any money?
Even if the holdout doesn't sign?

That's the idea. You may need to go to court to get an order for the law firm to do it that way if it is reluctant to do it otherwise, but you don't have to let this recalcitrant sibling hold everything up until they get their way. My guess is that once you move to go around the holdout the holdout will realize that he/she doesn't have the power he/she thought and may decide to claim the money waiting for him/her rather than play more games to tie the funds up.
That's the idea. You may need to go to court to get an order for the law firm to do it that way if it is reluctant to do it otherwise, but you don't have to let this recalcitrant sibling hold everything up until they get their way. My guess is that once you move to go around the holdout the holdout will realize that he/she doesn't have the power he/she thought and may decide to claim the money waiting for him/her rather than play more games to tie the funds up.
Thanks TC!
$3250 each, actually.

Not enough to be worth getting lawyers involved.

How much of the $13000 does the hold out want?

Has she stated a figure?

Or is she just being spiteful so nobody gets any money?

25%...equal amount, but...

Whole mess got started when 1 sibling wanted to deduct 2K from her holdout sibling b/c holdout sib owes her thousands of dollars. But now holdout is trying to be spiteful. Yes, if she holds out, she may ask for more money, which she will not get; hasn't asked for more. Delusional sibling believes other siblings have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from holdout; she's clinically delusional, truly.Thanks.

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