Justice System, Police, Courts Am I a subject of any of the Nevada Revised Statutes?

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A legal fiction that I am familiar with has been charged with violating a few N.R.S.. I was involved in an accident after which, during the investigation as the scene I provided information of a different legal fiction than I am familiar with as well as I had an unwarranted search of my vehicle and seizure of a weapon.

I understand that statutes only apply to those have intentionally contracted with the State of Nevada and have a duty to abide their rules. Before becoming with the true nature of how our court systems operated, I made the huge mistake of obtaining who has an appear ant conflict of interest (Nevada BAR associate, employee of the same State of Nevada (corporation) who claims to be the plaintiff) and signing a plea to a lesser charge.

On my sentencing date, I appeared before the courts and made suggestions that I am aware of the monkey business going on and how they plan to take advantage of me. I've brought forward questions pertaining to who my plaintif really is, the nature and cause of the case and if there is jurisdiction. I advised that my precious plea was made with total ignorance to the violations being accused and certainly didn't understand anything that was going on. At that time I had not had enough information committed to memory to hold my ground and I allows the judge to basically be unresponsive, advise me to seek other counsel for help in withdrawing my plea and rescheduled the sentencing/hearing date for 30 days.

My question is, with previously signing a plea of guilty (under duress and coercion) if I do not want to obtain any counsel and only want to present the truth and seperate myself from this legal fiction that I obviously have already represented, can I make a special appearance on the next court date as a human being and demand that evididence be shown that I am indeed a subject under the JUDICIARY COURTS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA's corporations so-called jurisdiction. I have not harmed or injured anyone nor have I damaged any of the State's property? Are there any steps or documents I should send to the courts prior to the next date?

I pledge my allegence only to God and I am unable to be a US citizen because I already get all the protection I need from God.

Thank you for your input
A legal fiction that I am familiar with has been charged with violating a few N.R.S..
A "legal fiction" ... Uh ... you mean, like, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn? Or, are you refering to yourself?

I understand that statutes only apply to those have intentionally contracted with the State of Nevada and have a duty to abide their rules.
Then you understand incorrectly. You don't have to recognize the laws of the state you are in for them to apply to you, sorry.

On my sentencing date, I appeared before the courts and made suggestions that I am aware of the monkey business going on and how they plan to take advantage of me. I've brought forward questions pertaining to who my plaintif really is, the nature and cause of the case and if there is jurisdiction. I advised that my precious plea was made with total ignorance to the violations being accused and certainly didn't understand anything that was going on. At that time I had not had enough information committed to memory to hold my ground and I allows the judge to basically be unresponsive, advise me to seek other counsel for help in withdrawing my plea and rescheduled the sentencing/hearing date for 30 days.
So, essentially you acted asinine to the court and the court granted you time to obtain legal counsel prior to sentencing. Is that about right?

My question is, with previously signing a plea of guilty (under duress and coercion) if I do not want to obtain any counsel and only want to present the truth and seperate myself from this legal fiction that I obviously have already represented, can I make a special appearance on the next court date as a human being and demand that evididence be shown that I am indeed a subject under the JUDICIARY COURTS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA's corporations so-called jurisdiction. I have not harmed or injured anyone nor have I damaged any of the State's property? Are there any steps or documents I should send to the courts prior to the next date?
Okay, in short you are asking if you can withdraw your "guilty" or "no contest" plea and go to trial? If the court has not accepted the plea, yet, sure. If they have, you may have to work with an attorney to try and get this accomplished. Of course your prior plea can likely be used against you in any subsequent trial, so it may be a grave mistake to try and play this "sovereign citizen" card as it could get you a maximum term for the offenses under which you are charged instead of a more generous penalty that might be available under a plea.

You can spout off about not recognizing the court's jurisdiction, contracts, non-persons, corporate entities, ad nauseum, all you like. In the end, you are still subject to the laws of the state whether you want to be or not. So, you can either deal with the situation as it exists, or, continue to be deluded and suffer the consequences of your actions. It's your call.
Your sovereign gobbledygook will get you nowhere in a hurry. If the matter occurred within the geographical jurisdiction of the state of Nevada then you are subject to those statutes. If you don't like it then leave Nevada. However, in doing so you become subject to the laws of the next jurisdiction. Such is life.
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You're always free to plan, plot, and execute your escape from the USA.
Problem is, there's another REGIME wherever you arrive.
Being a peasant is rather pleasant.
So, it's your call, boss.
Good luck.
A "legal fiction" ... Uh ... you mean, like, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn? Or, are you refering to yourself?

"I am referring to the legal entity the court system attempts to presume I represent when determining jurisdiction. Like your FIRST MIDDLE LASTNAME. the same name attached to a SSN and BC that I have never contracted to nor do I have anymore. I am a non-citizen national and have no ties to any US corporation or State corporation. I refuse to be deceived into taking responsibility for something that has never rightfully belonged to me. I AM NOT A LEGAL PERSON. I am a law abiding human being. I don't bow before any government."

Then you understand incorrectly. You don't have to recognize the laws of the state you are in for them to apply to you, sorry.

"You are correct. I do not have to recognize the laws of the state. What I have demanded to have provided to me is some factual evidence showing that I'm a subject of the laws of Nevada. Are you saying the law applies because a few lawyers got together and said so or do you have something factual to provide to this conversation?"

So, essentially you acted asinine to the court and the court granted you time to obtain legal counsel prior to sentencing. Is that about right?

"No, essentially I took up for myself and did not fall victim and accept a sentence to a victimless crime. Why the hell is a private company claiming that I've somehow hurt or damaged them or their property and have a duty to uphold some man made codes and revisions of the PRIVATELY OWNED STATE OF NEVADA(I have evidence including such DUNS, NAICS and other federal corporation identifiers to prove my point. I am ready to see proof from the other side. Is there any???? I don't think so.

Okay, in short you are asking if you can withdraw your "guilty" or "no contest" plea and go to trial? If the court has not accepted the plea, yet, sure. If they have, you may have to work with an attorney to try and get this accomplished. Of course your prior plea can likely be used against you in any subsequent trial, so it may be a grave mistake to try and play this "sovereign citizen" card as it could get you a maximum term for the offenses under which you are charged instead of a more generous penalty that might be available under a plea.

I don't think I'm playing any cards at all. This is a situation pertaining to life, liberty and what's right. I KNOW THE TRUTH. Please don't provide information about the outcome of this situation if you aren't ready to prove any evidence or facts whatsoever. If you took a moment to understand that my physical geographic location at the time of these violations has nothing to do with the jurisdiction. How can my plaintiff be my geographical location? If I'm under Nevada's jurisdiction simply because of where I grounded, then my plaintiff is also the ground. How did I hurt the ground. Where is the plaintiff standing....don't say the ground???

You can spout off about not recognizing the court's jurisdiction, contracts, non-persons, corporate entities, ad nauseum, all you like. In the end, you are still subject to the laws of the state whether you want to be or not. So, you can either deal with the situation as it exists, or, continue to be deluded and suffer the consequences of your actions. It's your call.

Whether I like it or not? Are you also saying whether I consent or not? Would you also suggest that the government does not protect any rights but rather only invoke involuntary servitude/slavery???

If you are unable to provide any facts as evidence, we will all continue to assume you are only making opinions as everyone else.
Your sovereign gobbledygook will get you nowhere in a hurry. If the matter occurred within the geographical jurisdiction of the state of Nevada then you are subject to those statutes. If you don't like it then leave Nevada. However, in doing so you become subject to the laws of the next jurisdiction. Such is life.

If there is any substance at all to anything you've said, please provide one fact of evidence that a human being gives up his inalienable rights simply by crossing some imaginary boarder into Nevada. Don't forget to learn what a state is before you talk about geographical locations again please.
NRS 0.039 "Person" defined. Except as otherwise expressly provided in a particular statute or required by the context, "person" means a natural person, any form of business or social organization and any other nongovernmental legal entity including, but not limited to, a corporation, partnership, association, trust or unincorporated organization. The term does not include a government, governmental agency or political subdivision of a government.

NRS 194.010 Persons capable of committing crimes. All persons are liable to punishment except those belonging to the following classes:

***** 1. Children under the age of 8 years.

***** 2. Children between the ages of 8 years and 14 years, in the absence of clear proof that at the time of committing the act charged against them they knew its wrongfulness.

***** 3. Persons who committed the act charged or made the omission charged in a state of insanity.

***** 4. Persons who committed the act or made the omission charged under an ignorance or mistake of fact, which disproves any criminal intent, where a specific intent is required to constitute the offense.

***** 5. Persons who committed the act charged without being conscious thereof.

***** 6. Persons who committed the act or made the omission charged, through misfortune or by accident, when it appears that there was no evil design, intention or culpable negligence.

***** 7. Persons, unless the crime is punishable with death, who committed the act or made the omission charged under threats or menaces sufficient to show that they had reasonable cause to believe, and did believe, their lives would be endangered if they refused, or that they would suffer great bodily harm.

***** [1911 C&P § 3; RL § 6268; NCL § 9952]—(NRS A*1979, 145;*1981, 1660;*1995, 2467;*2001 Special Session, 136;*2003, 1480)


NRS 194.020 Persons liable to punishment. The following persons, except as provided in*NRS 194.010, are liable to punishment:

***** 1. A person who commits in the State any crime, in whole or in part.

***** 2. A person who commits out of the State any act which, if committed within it, would be larceny, and is afterward found in the State with any of the stolen property.

***** 3. A person who, being out of the State, counsels, causes, procures, aids or abets another to commit a crime in this State.

***** 4. A person who, being out of the State, abducts or kidnaps, by force or fraud, any person, contrary to the laws of the place where the act is committed, and brings, sends or conveys such person into this State.

***** 5. A person who commits an act without the State which affects persons or property within the State, or the public health, morals or decency of the State, which, if committed within the State, would be a crime.

***** [1911 C&P § 2; RL § 6267; NCL § 9951]

NRS 234.020 Filing of maps of state boundaries. All maps of state boundaries are filed with the Division of State Lands of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

US Constitution 14th Amendment:
Section 1.*All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside....
The victim in your matter is the people of the state of Nevada. The same people who elected their representatives to enact the laws for public health and safety and for all to follow. The state prosecutor is tasked with representing the interests of those people regarding your crime against them.
NRS 0.039 "Person" defined. Except as otherwise expressly provided in a particular statute or required by the context, "person" means a natural person, any form of business or social organization and any other nongovernmental legal entity including, but not limited to, a corporation, partnership, association, trust or unincorporated organization. The term does not include a government, governmental agency or political subdivision of a government.

NRS 194.010 Persons capable of committing crimes. All persons are liable to punishment except those belonging to the following classes:

***** 1. Children under the age of 8 years.

***** 2. Children between the ages of 8 years and 14 years, in the absence of clear proof that at the time of committing the act charged against them they knew its wrongfulness.

***** 3. Persons who committed the act charged or made the omission charged in a state of insanity.

***** 4. Persons who committed the act or made the omission charged under an ignorance or mistake of fact, which disproves any criminal intent, where a specific intent is required to constitute the offense.

***** 5. Persons who committed the act charged without being conscious thereof.

***** 6. Persons who committed the act or made the omission charged, through misfortune or by accident, when it appears that there was no evil design, intention or culpable negligence.

***** 7. Persons, unless the crime is punishable with death, who committed the act or made the omission charged under threats or menaces sufficient to show that they had reasonable cause to believe, and did believe, their lives would be endangered if they refused, or that they would suffer great bodily harm.

***** [1911 C&P § 3; RL § 6268; NCL § 9952]—(NRS A*1979, 145;*1981, 1660;*1995, 2467;*2001 Special Session, 136;*2003, 1480)


NRS 194.020 Persons liable to punishment. The following persons, except as provided in*NRS 194.010, are liable to punishment:

***** 1. A person who commits in the State any crime, in whole or in part.

***** 2. A person who commits out of the State any act which, if committed within it, would be larceny, and is afterward found in the State with any of the stolen property.

***** 3. A person who, being out of the State, counsels, causes, procures, aids or abets another to commit a crime in this State.

***** 4. A person who, being out of the State, abducts or kidnaps, by force or fraud, any person, contrary to the laws of the place where the act is committed, and brings, sends or conveys such person into this State.

***** 5. A person who commits an act without the State which affects persons or property within the State, or the public health, morals or decency of the State, which, if committed within the State, would be a crime.

***** [1911 C&P § 2; RL § 6267; NCL § 9951]

NRS 234.020 Filing of maps of state boundaries. All maps of state boundaries are filed with the Division of State Lands of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

US Constitution 14th Amendment:
Section 1.*All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside....

Mightymoose, thank you very much for providing some info for me to research. I now feel like I may be making some progress. I appreciate you quoting a few Revised statutes and an amendment do that we can now discuss the facts of these and how they become binding?

As far as the N.R.S., I made this question to the board after numerous talks with attorneys and even a prosecutor from a different State and only receiving the same answer from everyone.

The law of Nevada applies because the law says it does. I.e. This NRS is evidently valid because the same NRS's say so. It's an arbitrary law and if that is the only evidence, then it in no way proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the rules applies. Where the rule applies is permanent to jurisdiction and my challenge should be answered by the courts with factual evidence....no loop opinions from the same people who wrote down there opinions and forced them on the rest of us.

In regards to the 14th amendment, this section of the constitution created the so-called statutory US citizen. "All person naturalized or born in the United States. United States meaning DC, Puerto Rico, American Somoa, etc... I am not a natural born citizen of the US government. I was born in the Republic of New York. Remember that the United States is a corporation and so is Nevada. When our court papers refer to the People of the State of Nevada, they are referring the public officers of the Corporation called State of Nevada not the physical geographical location. Also, even if you were correct and the people of the State of Nevada are actually the citizens, in order to say that I've committed a crime against these people, in a lawful court, there must be a real victim accusing of damage or injury. How in the world could I have, in any way, injured or harmed the people or its property to have a standing to claim against me simply by not having my ID or having a weapon on the floor of my vehicle?

Also, as far as the constitution is concerned, it is only a written will of a group of men and women which isn't naturally binding to anyone without the contract being signed I don't believe the U.S. constitution even applies as it was never even signed by its creators and there was no authority in the group of people who wrote the thing. It's another law that is a law because law says so. No evidence has been shown to prove otherwise.

Please elaborate?
As interesting as your argument is, FREE WILL, they don't care.
They have all of us under their boot, and if we protest too vehemently, they will shackle you in more ways than you can imagine.
We aren't as FREE as some might have you believe.
The remaining vestige of any freedom left can only be expressed by a jury, if they agree to use their power to nullify THEIR laws.
FreeAtWill, all your rhetoric aside, your refusal to acknowledge or understand the law will not exempt you from it. It just will not.

So, continue tilting at the windmill if you wish, but understand that these arguments fail every time. So, enjoy your academic exercise, but save your pennies for the ensuing fines, and get your worldly affairs in order should you be sentenced to jail time for whatever offense it is that you have been charged with.
Mightymoose, thank you very much for providing some info for me to research.

It took about five minutes to look up.

...discuss the facts of these and how they become binding?

They become binding by your existing or remaining within the jurisdiction covered by the statutes. As previously stated, if you do not want to be held accountable to Nevada's laws then leave Nevada. If you want to live somewhere outside the reach of any form of government you might have to begin a colony on the moon.

The law of Nevada applies because the law says it does.

Sort of. It really applies because the people of Nevada, via their elected representatives in the legislature, say that it applies to all persons in their jurisdiction, excepting only a few. The law did not create itself, people did.

...no loop opinions from the same people who wrote down there opinions and forced them on the rest of us.

Again, you are a free person. You may leave the oppressive regime in Nevada any time you choose. Do not expect to remain and gain sympathy from those you spite.

In regards to the 14th amendment, this section of the constitution created the so-called statutory US citizen. "All person naturalized or born in the United States. United States meaning DC, Puerto Rico, American Somoa, etc... I am not a natural born citizen of the US government. I was born in the Republic of New York.

According to my map New York is in the United States, and unless you are centuries old New York was a state at the time of your birth. Like it or not, at birth you were a US citizen and citizen of New York. If you have since taken up residence in another state then you are a citizen of that state. There is a formal procedure you may follow if you would like to renounce your citizenship, but be prepared to be deported to your moon colony.

Remember that the United States is a corporation and so is Nevada.

The only people who believe that are those who subscribe to sovereign citizen gobbledygook.

When our court papers refer to the People of the State of Nevada, they are referring the public officers of the Corporation called State of Nevada not the physical geographical location.

They are referring to the citizens of Nevada who are represented in court by their elected representative, the District Attorney or Deputy DA's.

Also, even if you were correct and the people of the State of Nevada are actually the citizens, in order to say that I've committed a crime against these people, in a lawful court, there must be a real victim accusing of damage or injury.

I bet the jails are full of people who thought the same thing. The citizens of the state, as a whole, are the victim of your public offense. With your reasoning it would be fine to go into a crowded place and start shooting guns so long as you don't actually injure anyone or intend to. I suspect you confuse the need for damages with elements of civil law that are not necessarily present under criminal law.

How in the world could I have, in any way, injured or harmed the people or its property to have a standing to claim against me simply by not having my ID or having a weapon on the floor of my vehicle?

There are ways to carry the weapon legally. You apparently chose to not comply with the law. How could you harm someone? By picking up the weapon and using it, perhaps like these other misguided sovereign citizens:


Also, as far as the constitution is concerned, it is only a written will of a group of men and women which isn't naturally binding to anyone without the contract being signed

It was binding the moment you were born whether you came to agree with it years later or not. Again, you can renounce your citizenship and move elsewhere if you don't like it. It isn't a matter of contracts.

I don't believe the U.S. constitution even applies as it was never even signed by its creators and there was no authority in the group of people who wrote the thing.

Signatures have nothing to do with it. The document was accepted and ratified by every state for many years after. Regardless of who wrote it and what authority you might think they lacked, it was accepted as is. Your dissent does not matter. Again, renounce and move if you are not happy with the law of the land.

It's another law that is a law because law says so. No evidence has been shown to prove otherwise.

People across the country say so, and they do it on a regular basis when they elect their representatives to participate in the government established by the Constitution and to uphold its laws.
MM, you have much more patience with these yay-hoos than I do ... Too many years of playing on the Merry-go-round with their senseless logic I suppose. :)
I'm just playing the game. It's the same misguided theory every time. I suppose they either come to their senses at some point while sitting in jail or end up in one of those YouTube videos.
I'm just playing the game. It's the same misguided theory every time. I suppose they either come to their senses at some point while sitting in jail or end up in one of those YouTube videos.

I often wonder what I would do if one of those yo-yos stuck a camera in my face ... but, then I remember that I don't work at a courthouse so unless they came to the PD to try and make a point about something, my only worry would be running into one on the street. Of course, that can be scarier than the video because some of these guys are willing to kill cops to get their point across! I ran into one of the more rabid ones only once, when I was a rookie ... had I known then what I know now, I would have handled it differently than I did. As it was, he tried to hand me a ream of papers explaining why he didn't need a license and why he did not need to register his car. He finally signed the citation when his car was getting towed and he realized from the back seat of my car in cuffs that he'd go to jail if he didn't.
I don't know that I would have Tasered him at that point (yet), but, I sure understand the desire to keep the matter under control.

What IS IT about those guys?
I met one of the "sovereigns" once many years ago during my early days on the bench.
He was acting as his own lawyer in a DUI case.
He began arguing with the prosecutor eventually becoming belligerent with the prosecutor, my bailiff, and the arresting officer who was attempting to testify.
The courtroom began to laugh at the entire thing, and I began to smile.
I said, "Order, we will have order."
Well, after going back and forth, I cited him with contempt, and gave him seven days.
The next day I get a message that he wished to apologize to me.
I had him brought before an open courtroom, and he was contrite, remorseful, and apologetic, even admitting to the error of his ways.
I advised him that he's free to believe whatever he wishes, but the State of Texas has laws and rules that apply to everyone, not a select few.
I accepted his apology, ordered him released, and reconvened his DUI trial the next day.
He was convicted, received 30 days in jail, suspended, and a year's probation, fines, and license suspension.
The guy owns a cattle ranch, still believes in that sovereign nonsense, but acknowledges its more like being a communist, a Nazi, or any other fringe political belief.
Moose, your approach in dealing with those on the fringe is the best way, engage them, if possible.
From the 14th Amendment (and onward), having been given a legal definition by the same, when used in the U.S. Constitution, the term "citizen of the United States" specifically refers to the second class of citizenship created thereby. But due to deception on the part ofthe U.S. Federal Government and ignorance on the part of the American People, the latter, by general consensus, now accepts the unconstitutional application of said amendment upon itself.
As a result, the general population is now regarded and treated as a federal citizenry; and state citizens, within the meaning of the original Constitution, do not presently exist. Amendments to the Federal Constitution following the 14th have been directed at citizens o f the United States. The 14th Amendment marked the beginning o f the end of the constitutional U.S. Republic and the beginning of what has, overtime, through neglect ofcivic duty, become an unconstitutional U.S. Democracy.

Everyone here is telling me that I am a slave to the laws of the State and that every man and woman, except a couple, are contractually obligated to uphold the constitution of the state just because of my geographical location?

Why is it that I have yet to get a lawyer or judge for that matter to answer my questions on a record? Why have every attorney scurried away like a scared little animal every time we get into a valid debate about the fraud and corruption which our government is based on? All I get is "you can try that if you want, I wouldn't stand up there and argue those points for you". Of course you wouldn't. You'd lose your jobs and be forced to deal with the same tyranny that everyone else does. As soon as I began reading some of these comments I already knew that you people are protecting your individual interest in that you are also probably being paid by some state government and therefore will never be honest about the situation.
I am not a 14th amendment US citizen who does seem to have some imaginary duty to uphold state constitutions and statutes. Please be specific as to the law to gives authority to a group of men and woman to totally disregard the constitution and make up a whole bunch of their own rules? I am one of We the People.

Furthermore, how could anyone ever have a fair and meaningful hearing or trial when every person in the court, except the sovereign individual, is being paid by the so-called state or the plaintiff? Where is it that states that state corporations have acquired aome supernatural ability to bind their own wills to every living being in America?

the government is the serpent in the begging isn't of the Bible. How can I subscribe to anything you, the government, ha to say?

Eat the apple (be a citizen) and you have all the license privileges you'd like, you just have to give away all your rights!!!!!

I don't think so
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