Am I being discriminated against

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It all started back last year when my daughter was sick last year and I filed an FMLA and she had a write up pending if my FMLA didn't go through. All though someone in my department in my department has been late 21 times this year and technically should have been fired and is still there. Then earlier this year I went to management with three other girls from my department in regards to my supervisors lack of communication and how she piles the work load on certain people who work faster. So after that she started treating me and a few others differently due to us going over head and talking to management. From there one of the girls who she discriminated against quit and sent out an e-mail in regards to how our supervisor discrimates against certain people. Out of all the people in our department who forwarded the e-mail only me and one other rep in our department got written up for it. Also she has a tendancy to mention my selection of clothes all though people who wear spaghetti strap tank tops, flip flops, mini skirts, and their abdomens hanging out don't have anything say anything to them. Then she started nit picking to find a reason to gove me a final warning which she tried to write me up for today not even a month after the last write up. Over the fact that I stated that if I am here my work is done in an e-mai I responded to to the department. I am getting to the point that I hate going into work where I feel as though I am walking on egg shells and I have a big target on my back. What can I do. Seeing as how she is close to the HR rep and her manager.

Very frustrated in Florida
So your supervisor is treating you badly because you and several others complained about her management style. While that's unfortunate, there's nothing illegal about that.

It all started back last year when my daughter was sick last year and I filed an FMLA and she had a write up pending if my FMLA didn't go through. That's neither illegal nor uncommon. As long as you weren't disciplined for any absences that fell under your FMLA leave, nothing prohibited took place.
You can never go over your bosses head and win is the mantra. Try and "find yourself" and get a better position. NEVER complain, smile and say when open confrontations present themselves: "I am disappointed", "is there anything else" & don't forget "thank you". Take the higher ground - don't take it personal and pray to the Lord who is in control. You are only a prisoner if you allow yourself to be! Eat correctly, excersise and drink plenty of water.
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