We have all heard of cases where innocent people have been arrested for crimes they didn't commit. But most of us don't go around worrying that we are going to be wrongfully arrested, which is why I think other posters have been asking you some of the questions they have.
Nobody is trying to get you to confess to anything, or saying that they necessarily even think you committed a crime, it is just unusual for someone who hasn't done anything illegal to think they are going to be arrested. Even if you are under scrutiny or being investigated for some reason, it doesn't necessarily follow that you are going to be arrested. And I've certainly never heard of jury duty being used to lure someone in just so they can be arrested. If they wanted to arrest you, wrongfully or not, it sounds like they've had plenty of opportunity, and they know where you live, so there would be no reason to lure you anywhere in order to arrest you if they wanted to.