K Visa American getting married to Canadian SOON!

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I'm an American getting ready to marry a Canadian in two months. My soon to be husband has a business in Canada that he needs to maintain, which will be the main source of income after we are married. I have a job in the U.S. and want to continue to work there. After we get married, he wants to continue to work in Canada but live in the states with me.

Traveling over the border often is starting to create problems. We are afraid that at some point he will not be allowed to come across.

We have been given different information about what to do in regards to getting married. We've been told that he needs to get a visitors visa and then after we get married, change his status, or do we go to immigration and tell them what is going on???

We are afraid that they might make him stay in the states after he applies for residence or deport him back to Canada and not let him come back. Do we not do anything before we get married and then appy for something after??? To add to the situation, he has dual citizenship, both Canadian and Turkish, that he wants to keep. WE NEED HELP...and would really appreciate it. THANKS!
I'm not an attorney or expert in immigration, but I am a green card holder. Please read my post as personal experience and not legal advice. Contact a lawyer if you want the expert thing. I can tell you that your husband will be required to live in the United States if he gets a green card. He can leave for a max of 6 months during the year, so you'd have to figure out if doing a bunch of trips to work will violate that. After 3 years of having his green card and remaining married, he can apply for citizenship in the US (given that he also meets the other citizenship requirements) and not have this problem.
Sansfo is fairly accurate...............You would have to be patient for a green card before traveling in other to advoid complications.
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