Answers for interrogatories

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I was served interrogatories asking about each and every item on my 2000 self-employed tax filing. My husband and I had gone to the same tax person for7 years . My taxes did not suddenly show a dramatic change that would cause the opposing to need to do this. The amount shown for earnings after deductions has been about the same the last 7 years except for the small raises that just cause the # 's to step up. I think it is ridiculous not to mention the fact that after I had him served...he came to the house and took each and every document, including my business ledgers, into his possession. So can I answer the questions by stating that he has the proof of receipts, etc.?? Also, do I have to have it done professionally or can I simply type the answers myself and attach it to the questions and send it that acceptable by the court?? Thank you for any input.
I believe that there may be limits with regard to the interrogatories served upon you. I'm not sure what state you are in but it would seem logical that they may parallel Federal guidelines in reasoning -- the court doesn't want to waste time with needless discovery. Here is an example:

Rule 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure would allow you to object to the above by stating a ground for objection with specificity. Rule 26 also limits the amount of discovery. Rule 26 (b)(2)(i) reads that "By order or by local rule, the court may alter the limits in these rules on the number of depositions and interrogatories and may also limit the length of depositions under Rule 30 and the number of requests under Rule 36. The frequency or extent of use of the discovery methods otherwise permitted under these rules and by any local rule shall be limited by the court if it determines that the discovery sought is unreasonably cumulative or duplicative, or is obtainable from some other source that is more convenient, less burdensome, or less expensive."
Thanks Michael...additionally

I am in Ca. I have tried to do the research on-line but Im having a problem getting exactly what objection to make for each answer. The questions asked of me in the interrogatories are duplicated in a second packet asking for the production. For example: 1-list the name,address,telephone and amount of expense for any person or entity to whom you paid a legal expense during Jan 1 2000 to Dec 31 2000. There are 17 more questions that say the same exact thing but ask about each office expense purchase, who I paid business expense to, business license expense, travel, mileage, meal expense, training,utility,subscription..list goes on. Isnt there just an objection that can be put down fro each one?? I just want to make sure I put the right one down. They have all the 1996 to 2000 returns in their possession. Thank you Michael I just want to do this right. By the way....custody evaluation went in my favor.
Can't you make a general objection that the items requested are not relevant? I can't imagine any of these are and I remember doing something with the general code that it had to be relevant. The other attorney also tried to dump me with 1000 questions and have me spend the rest of my life filling out useless information to harrass me into submission.
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