Appeal of misdemeanor larceny


New Member
North Carolina
Hi, my husband is 39, as a teenager he was charged with larceny, not since then. The had a court appointed lawyer that not once spoke about his case to him. He actually told me he didn't want to represent him and tried to get out of it. Matters worse last week he told him right before they called his case in taunting voice, you going to jail today. He didn't advise him what to do. They mixed 2 different cases together, never had the officer there. Judge hit him with 45 days, then he asked the Judge if he would get credit for the little time he had, then she said, oh you have done time for this, make it 90 days. Lawyer just asked my husband what do you want me to ask them on examination. He had no representation at all. Now an appeal has been filed and bound to superior court, but county still holding him but he wasn't locked up on these charges before court last week. What do I do and can they legally hold him if no appeal bond was set. How do I get him out?
Hi, my husband is 39, as a teenager he was charged with larceny, not since then. The had a court appointed lawyer that not once spoke about his case to him. He actually told me he didn't want to represent him and tried to get out of it. Matters worse last week he told him right before they called his case in taunting voice, you going to jail today. He didn't advise him what to do. They mixed 2 different cases together, never had the officer there. Judge hit him with 45 days, then he asked the Judge if he would get credit for the little time he had, then she said, oh you have done time for this, make it 90 days. Lawyer just asked my husband what do you want me to ask them on examination. He had no representation at all. Now an appeal has been filed and bound to superior court, but county still holding him but he wasn't locked up on these charges before court last week. What do I do and can they legally hold him if no appeal bond was set. How do I get him out?

You can't get him out.
It appears he's been sentenced to serve 90 days for stealing/theft.
He'll probably be released in 90 days, maybe he'll get a few days off for good time.

You can contact the jail or look him up online to see his release date.

I doubt that there'll be any appeal from a two decade old misdemeanor beef.

If you're really concerned, hire a lawyer to assist him.

From your recitation of events, the county seems to have it in for him.
Yes, they do, always harassing him, but the problem lies in the fact that it's only a misdemeanor handed out sentence in district court that was false. It has been appealed sent over to superior court because how it went in court and it was just a year old charge. He was done completely unfair with no chance. Hope is it that an appeal is filed and he isn't released since he was out prior to judgement?
Yes, they do, always harassing him, but the problem lies in the fact that it's only a misdemeanor handed out sentence in district court that was false. It has been appealed sent over to superior court because how it went in court and it was just a year old charge. He was done completely unfair with no chance. Hope is it that an appeal is filed and he isn't released since he was out prior to judgement?

He's confined in a jail because a judge issued a mittimus or handed down a jail sentence remanding him to be jailed revoking his bond.
Nneedofhelp certainly needs to do a better job of describing this situation. I am totally confused by the timeline of events.

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