I signed an employment agreement for another fiscal year, I have a copy of the signed employment agreement for my own records, and its a standard agreement that has no probationary period, and an employee would be terminated if employee violates the terms in the employee manual. It also specifies vacation leave, sick leave, cont. education, holidays, etc all according to the terms of the manual and it specifies the date of my employment period, which is July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
I work in accounting for cpa firm, my title is senior accountant. I worked with a smaller cpa firm for a year then that small firm merged with a bigger firm. I have been with bigger cpa firm for a year.
The employment agreement specifies the dates of the contract, ie from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, but does not specifically guarantee employment but does specify that if the employee manual terms are violated, then you lose the job.
I was dismissed from my work today (8/7/2024).