Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Approached by prevention loss but did not stop


New Member
I walked to the door of the grocery store with a cart of groceries and a guy from loss prevention stopped me. He said his name and said "you didn't pay for any of these groceries." I was stunned. I said "you can't do this to me." In a normal, but clearly scared tone. I walked out of the store and drove away. He followed me out taking a picture of my license I am sure. All groceries were left in the cart in the store. I was past where you would pay but not out the automatic door. Will the police come after me?
I am a Retail Theft consultant an answer questions like yours daily. If he took your plate there is a good chance he could file a criminal complaint. Much depends on what his employers policies are on shoplifting
. Will the police come after me?

Some police departments will pursue it.

If yours does, make no comment about the case.

Don't admit or deny anything, simply say, "I invoke, I want a lawyer, I will remain silent."

It's okay to state your name, show your ID, just don't admit or deny the charge.

If arrested, when the time comes to meet the judge, ask about receiving the services of a public defender.

No matter what happens, stay out of THAT store for at least THREE years!!!!
I was stunned. I said "you can't do this to me."

Why would you say such a silly thing?

Will the police come after me?

We can only guess blindly what the police in some unidentified locality in the 5th most populous state in the country might do. My guess, however, is that, since the loss prevention person prevented the loss, the store won't even bother reporting what happened. And, even if the store does report it, unless the police in your locality have nothing important to do, they won't do anything more than take the report. But again, those are just blind guesses.

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