Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Aressted with warrant,but never asked per....

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I was arrested on an outstanding warrant that I didn't actualy know about. I was accussed of vandalism and charged, but was never actually arrested for it. I had this warrant for three years unknowingly.

Anyways to the point when I was arrested my vehicle was parked in private property. I had been rleiving myself while there. I was arrested then with-out consent my vehicle was searched, and the officer found two syringes with non-subceatus needles on them. They contained fungus spores (which aren't illegal in Il). According to the wording of 720 ILCS 635/1 (which is what I was official charged with two counts of) these syringes don't fit the decription that would make them illegal. You can actually purchase these syringes in your local Walgreens.

My actual question is it possiblw for them to charge me with this crime when nothing in the vehicle at the time was discovered to be of narcotic origin? The spores in themselves are not illegal in accordance to the ILCS... Should this case be dropped?

Please feel free to answer to my E-mail or on the forum.
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