Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Arrest for controlled substance (16 years old

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My doughter was arrested for possesion of controled substance in my presence. (6 loritabs)

There were 2 cops on the seen, 2 boys and I.

Next day my doughters friend made a statment to police that she is the one who stole pills from her mom and put in my doughters pierce without my doughters permision or knowlege. She wrote sworn afidavit.

One of the cops lied on the report staying that my doughter "made 2 atemts to pass container with pills to someone next by" and also he said on the report that "she admited that she new what are loritabs, she new they are illegal" Also he lied that container was in her hands. ....It was in her pierce.

Before cop # 2 found loritabs cop # 1 found cigarets in my doughter's pierce and he asked for her driver license to write the ticket. And he is the one who pass pierce to cop # 2, who found loritabs.

My doughter and I filed complaint against cop #2. Both cops were interviewd by detective.By reading the stament of cop#1 I found that he advised, " that my doughter did not know what pills were" and refused to provide any further informtion"
wich completly contradicts stament of cop #2 on the report. But for some reason they both avoiding to say that cigarets were found in the pierce. They are just saying she was in the posession of cigarets. Cop # said that cop#1 sopted sigarets in my doughters pants
( those pants so tight that she is not able to stick a penny in those pants)

My questions are : can cop # 2 can be charged for providing fulse staement on the report?
If I can prove that they both cops lying about cigarets (where and how they being found)
would court still take them as crediable witnesses?

Also I'm looking for good lawer on this matter in Jacksonville, FL area. At this point I interviewd 2 lawers and did not like both of them. No confiedence that they are going to do good job.
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