Homicide, Murder, Manslaughter Arrested for murder?

he is a stand up guy

That is all YOU need to know.

He's your sibling, and he's an all around "stand up" guy.

If your sibling's bail is set at $500,000 (as an example), all you need to come up with is about $50,000 in cash or surety.

The clerk of court accepts bond in cash, secured bond through a surety, real estate, or a combination of these forms.

For a "stand up" dude, no worry, you can even put your home up for his release.

All bonds must be ORDERED by the court before being accepted by the Clerk's Office.

When your brother beats the rap, or goes to prison, you get ALL of the cash returned to you, or the surety will be released.

One last comment, mate.

If a person's bond is set at $25,000 (for example), most lawyers working federal criminal cases want at least 10% of the bail as their fee.

This is simply for discussion purposes, because a "hotshot" mouthpiece will demand 25%-33% of the bond, often more for high profile defendants.
Of course, if he does "escape America" or otherwise fails to appear, you will LOSE the money or whatever you pledged for his release. Further, unless he "escapes" to a country for which we have no extradition, he may never be safe.
he want me to bail him out of jail so he can escape america, but i do not want to lose the monies. what should i do?

That doesn't sound like a guy who is confident that he's innocent and has a good defense to make to a jury. Assuming he's eligible for bail, which is not likely, especially given the apparent prior conviction in 1990 for attempted murder, that bail amount is going to be very high. If you post it and he flees the country, you lose what you put up for his bail. Unless you are willing to lose that money, don't do it.

You keep saying he's a stand up guy, but you may be looking him with extremely rose colored glasses. He evidently did time in 1990 for attempted murder, was accused of child molestation (and his acquittal does not mean he didn't do it, only that the state couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt), and now stands accused of 6 murders. And now he's talking about going on the run if bailed out? That's certainly not a history that looks very good to him to people like me who don't know the guy.
he was found not guilty for molestation. my brother is a stand up guy. i want to know how i can get him out of this? the F.B.I. says they have D.N.A evidence? he wants to know how he can discredit their evidences and I need to find out so I can tell him. they try to use his old jail medical record against him, he got diagnose with antisocial personality disorder when he was lock up in prison for attempted murder in 1990.

You can't do anything except hire him a lawyer if you wish. Otherwise - he's at the mercy of the criminal justice system at this point.

You need to worry about your life and not this mess. He honestly shouldn't be talking to you about ANY of this. He's just going to screw himself over. You realize this is a public forum right? The prosecution could easily find this post if they chose to do a search and probably put it together who you are.

"Stand up guys" don't get accused of or charged with child molestation AND being a serial killer.
he want me to bail him out of jail so he can escape america, but i do not want to lose the monies. what should i do?

Don't do it. I learned the hard way about bail when I bailed my ex husband out of jail. He didn't take off - but I didn't know the county he was in gave bail back to the defendant no matter what. So he screwed me out of that money when he took a plea deal in his case.

Stand up guys don't screw people out of bail money either. If he already said he's going to skip bail (IF he got it) why would you bail him out?

Don't be a victim too man. Just cut your losses now before you dig a hole so deep you can't climb out of it.

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